You have good caseworkers who are committed to their clients. They work long hours and go above and beyond to make sure everyone is getting the help they need. Yet, it’s still too easy for someone to slip through the cracks if you’re using an antiquated or old school record system. Or if the caseworker is overwhelmed with too much to do and too little time to do it. Using the right case management software can alleviate some of these issues and help make sure nobody falls through the cracks.
Good Case Management Software Helps Keep Clients from Slipping Through the Cracks.
Topics: FAMCare, case management workflow, case management software, caseworkers, case load, social workers
Create Efficient Collaboration with the Right Government Software Solutions
We are in an unprecedented stretch of strong economic conditions where there are more jobs than job applicants. Yet, there are still many children and families who are suffering and in need of government agency help. So many, in fact, that human services caseworkers often still feel overwhelmed by heavy caseloads and the accompanying paperwork.
Topics: Government, Case Studies, case management workflow, case management software, human services, social services software, social services, human services software
A Better Alternative to Electronic Health Records
I recently read an article in Forbes about how Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are broken. And while some of the points they made were appalling, they weren’t surprising – at least, not to me. We’ve known about the limitations of the government approved EHRs for some time now.
Topics: FAMCare Tips and Tools, FAMCare, case management software, HIPAA Compliant, caseworkers, cyber security, FAMCare Team Blog's
How to Choose the Right Case Management Software for Your Nonprofit
Your nonprofit organization has been growing and helping more people on a regular basis. You have good case workers who care about their clients and making a difference. Have you reached the point where investing in the right case management software could propel your organization to a new level, while making your case workers more effective at their jobs? Here are some tips to see if you’re ready to take that next step.
Topics: Nonprofit General, case management software, nonprofit software solutions, nonprofit management
How Human Services Software Help Faith-Based Ministries
Helping people through the physical and mental issues they’re dealing with is often just a part of the healing process. For many, spirituality is a core value of their life, and therefore an integral part of the therapeutic process.
Topics: case management software, nonprofit mission, human services, social services, social workers, human services software
Spending Too Much Time on Paperwork? Find a Human Services Software Solution
When it comes to your clients and your fellow caseworkers, nothing is more important than meeting face-to-face. The more time spent directly with your client, the more likely you are to achieve the individual case goals and fulfill the mission focus. On paper it seems simple and obvious, yet paper is exactly what continues getting in the way. That’s where having the right human services software comes in.
Topics: case management workflow, case management software, caseworkers, human services, social workers, human services software
In recent years, funders are demanding that social service organizations analyze their program activities and outputs in a more meaningful way. For agencies to just say they are “doing good” is no longer enough. Organizations now need to justify costs by demonstrating program value. They must be able to justify their programs and funding by illustrating the quality of their services and show that their programs are producing meaningful outcomes that are aligned with larger policy priorities.
Topics: FAMCare, case management software, nonprofit software solutions, social services software
Using Case Management Software To Create Better Caseworker Collaboration
A caseworker’s job consists of many facets: assessing client needs, home visits, evaluations, reporting, listening to concerns, problem solving, providing referrals and the list goes on. While wanting to collaborate with coworkers and the community on projects is always the goal, the ability to do so can often be hindered by a caseworker’s workload. Fortunately, with the right case management software in place, increased collaboration can be possible.
Topics: Secure Case Management, case management workflow, case management software, caseworkers, human services, case load, social services software, cyber security
Achieve your mission with nonprofit software solutions that help manage relationships
We’ve already discussed how nonprofit software solutions make it possible for your organization to focus more of its time on the mission, but we’d like to take it a step further. Not only can the right software solution provide an organization with more time to focus on the mission, it can also help you manage relationships better.
Topics: case management workflow, case management software, nonprofit software solutions, caseworkers
Safeguarding your clients’ privacy is something that must be taken seriously, regardless of your industry. Ensuring your caseworkers receive the proper Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance training is necessary not only to protect the clients, but to protect your organization.
Topics: FAMCare Tips and Tools, Secure Case Management, case management software, HIPAA Compliant, caseworkers