Inscribing Progress: The Importance and Art of Case Management Notes

Posted by GVT Admin on May 30, 2024 10:02:11 AM

In the complex and multifaceted world of case management, where social work, healthcare, and administrative duties intertwine, the practice of documenting case notes emerges as a fundamental task. This seemingly routine activity holds profound importance, forming the backbone of effective case management.

This blog explores the significance of case management notes, examining their diverse roles, best practices for their creation, and the subtle art involved in crafting thorough and effective documentation.

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Topics: what social workers do

How Social Workers See It

Posted by GVT Admin on Apr 24, 2024 10:45:00 AM

Immigrant and refugee rights have long been an issue of critical importance for social workers in the United States. Over 100 years ago, Jane Addams and Edith Abbott established social work as a noble profession while working in settlement houses that served as centers of residence and social services for migrants who had recently arrived in large numbers to work in America. Charitable organizations and religious and ethnic associations have long worked to facilitate the wellbeing and integration of migrants and displaced persons.

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Topics: what social workers do, immigration

Learning to Fish

Posted by GVT Admin on Apr 3, 2024 11:26:41 AM

Social workers at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducted a one-time, online Adolescent Behaviors and Experiences Survey (ABES), during January–June 2021 to assess behaviors and experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic among high school students. An unexpected element of the survey's findings was that the pandemic had severe negative effects on adolescents’ mental health.

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Topics: mental health, education, what social workers do

From Theory to Practice: Real-Life Case Management Examples

Posted by GVT Admin on Feb 23, 2024 12:11:00 PM

In today's world, Case management is a dynamic and evolving field that involves systematically and collaboratively assisting individuals. While theories and frameworks provide the foundation, the true measure of case management's effectiveness lies in its application to real-life situations. In this blog, we delve into real-life case management examples across diverse industries, exploring how professionals navigate challenges, apply theories, and achieve positive outcomes for their clients.

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Topics: case management software, what social workers do

Never Forget

Posted by GVT Admin on Feb 21, 2024 10:45:00 AM


In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States engaged in an innovative policy experiment: for one year, the federal government expanded the existing child tax credit—making it available to families with little or no earnings, increasing the credit amount, and providing monthly payments instead of an annual payment at tax time.

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Topics: what social workers do, social issues

Social Work Case Notes: How Case Management Software Transforms Documentation

Posted by GVT Admin on Dec 18, 2023 12:55:00 PM

In the realm of social work, where the impact on individuals and communities is profound, meticulous documentation is the backbone of effective practice. Social workers spend a significant amount of time recording case notes, interventions, and client progress, making the process both vital and time-consuming. The advent of case management software has revolutionized this aspect of social work, offering a transformative solution to streamline case notes and enhance the overall documentation process. In this blog post, we will delve into the challenges faced by social workers in documentation, the critical role case management software plays in addressing these challenges, and the transformative effects it has on the efficiency and effectiveness of social work practices.

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Topics: case management software, what social workers do

Choosing the Right Path:  Social Worker or Case Manager

Posted by GVT Admin on Nov 30, 2023 1:21:00 PM

In the social service area, they often find themselves dealing with people who are in need of support and guidance during life's most challenging times. There are two professional roles that often come to the forefront: social workers and case managers. These dedicated individuals play pivotal roles in assisting people facing various life challenges. However, understanding the differences between a social worker vs. case manager can be crucial when insuring proper support.  

This is a continuation of "Case Management vs. Social Work: Unpacking the Differences."  This time we'll explore the distinctions between social workers and case managers, and the roles they play in servicing their clients' unique needs during life's most difficult times.   

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Topics: what social workers do

Empowering Lives: The Impact of Social Work Case Management

Posted by GVT Admin on Nov 20, 2023 10:58:00 AM

The field of social work case management brings hope to individuals and communities. The commitment to empower and helping them navigate life's most intricate hurdles is key in this profession. Today, we will explore the significant impact of social work case management and how it serves as a powerful catalyst for positive change.

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Topics: case management software, what social workers do

Modern Human Services-The Need for Data-Driven Social Workers

Posted by GVT Admin on Oct 20, 2023 3:28:50 PM

In the ever-evolving landscape of human services, data-driven decision-making is emerging as a powerful tool for effecting positive change. And social workers, the frontline heroes of human services, play a pivotal role in this transformation.

The importance of having social workers who are data-driven cannot be overstated, as they bring a unique blend of compassion and analytical rigor to the table. Here are key reasons why human services must leverage data-enthusiastic caseworkers.

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Topics: what social workers do

Juvenile Justice

Posted by GVT Admin on Oct 4, 2023 10:30:00 AM

Mass murders with military grade weapons have been on the rise in recent years and kept these sensational killings front and center on all media outlets. Most of these atrocities were committed by troubled youth and have left us with the impression that juvenile violent crime is dramatically on the rise.

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Topics: Juvenile Justice, what social workers do

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