Because We've Always Done it This Way

Posted by April Freund on Mar 20, 2017 9:00:00 AM

Our company specializes in helping human services and healthcare agencies become more efficient with their resources and improve the outcomes for those they serve.  Whether it’s children that need a "forever family", the elderly or people struggling with addiction recovery, our goal is to help those that serve them have an easier way to record and report on the data they collect.

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Topics: Global Vision Technologies, FAMCare Tips and Tools, Implementation Plans

7 Principles of a Successful Customer Service Department

Posted by Chris Ettere on Mar 17, 2017 10:38:44 AM

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Topics: Implementation Plans, Nonprofit General, FAMCare Team Blog's

FAMCare Master Certification Class - January 2017 Feedback

Posted by George Ritacco on Feb 22, 2017 4:08:19 PM

Congratulations to our recent graduates of the FAMCare / Visions Server Master Certification training course!  Thank you to Travis Dillard of SARCOA (Southern Alabama Regional Council on Aging) and Cody Lewis of Middle Alabama Area on Aging for attending the course!

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Topics: Insider, FAMCare Tips and Tools, Technology Speak, Implementation Plans, FAMCare

Budgeting Brilliance:  Budget Tips For Your Next I.T. Project

Posted by George Ritacco on Jan 27, 2017 1:57:13 PM

IT investments are crucial for any organization, but they cannot succeed without careful budgeting. To avoid common mistakes and place your initiatives on a firm financial foundation, make sure to:

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Topics: Fundraising Ideas, FAMCare Tips and Tools, Implementation Plans, Nonpropfit Accounting, How Clients Use FAMCare, Nonprofit General

Sending Text Messages from your FAMCare or Clinical Pursuit System

Posted by Chris Freund on Jan 20, 2017 1:45:55 PM

Often times it is convenient or necessary to send text messages from your FAMCare or Registry System. The current version of Visions Server (the engine that drives FAMCare and ClinicalPURSUIT) supports outgoing text messaging right out of the box with the SMS Outgoing Message Module.

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Topics: FAMCare Tips and Tools, Technology Speak, Implementation Plans

FAMCare Security Groups - Keep it Simple

Posted by Dave Becker on Dec 8, 2016 9:00:00 AM

In a database, security is key but is should be kept simple.  

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Topics: Technology Speak, Implementation Plans, FAMCare, FAMCare Team Blog's

FAMCare Master Certification Class - November 2016 Feedback

Posted by George Ritacco on Nov 11, 2016 9:00:00 AM

Congratulations to our recent graduates of the FAMCare / Visions Server Master Certification training course!  Thank you to Patrick Skelly of Randolph County North Carolina Dept of Social Services, Justin Chirco of Promesa Behavioral Health in California and Marc Dietrich of Wolverine Human Services in Michigan for attending the course!

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Topics: Insider, FAMCare Tips and Tools, Technology Speak, Implementation Plans, FAMCare

Considering the Alternative May Lead to a Better Plan

Posted by Jeff Grover on Sep 27, 2016 10:00:00 AM

A DEA agent comes to the door of an old Texas rancher and demands to search the grounds under suspicion that the rancher was growing illegal drugs.  The rancher said “That’s fine sir, you can go anywhere you want, just don’t go in that field over there.”  To which the DEA agent pulled out his badge and said “do you see this badge?  This badge is backed by the full permission of the United States Government.  It says that I can go where I want, when I want and do whatever I want because I am a duly appointed deputy of this government.”  “Alright sir” the rancher replied and went about his chores.  A while later a scream was heard from the field that the rancher had told the agent to stay out of and there was the agent tearing across the field with the rancher’s prized bull in hot pursuit.  To this the rancher jumped on the fence and hollered out “show him your badge!  Show him your badge!”

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Topics: Implementation Plans, Fun Stuff

Change Management Starts With... Why

Posted by Dave Becker on Aug 30, 2016 8:30:00 AM

Have you ever had one of those days where you think, "I have no idea what I am doing"?

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Topics: Implementation Plans, FAMCare Team Blog's

How a Software Implementation is Like a Trip to Mexico

Posted by Chris Jaynes on Aug 16, 2016 10:00:00 AM

So here you are.  You're ready to embark on a new software implementation and you're looking at the steps to take to make the best and smartest use of your time.

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Topics: Implementation Plans, FAMCare

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