7 Principles of a Successful Customer Service Department

Posted by Chris Ettere on Mar 17, 2017 10:38:44 AM


Customer service comes in all shapes and sizes but there are 7 principles that if utilized will span every industry. These 7 principles will work both for external and internal customer service.

Below I have listed Seven principles of simple, natural gifts that we’ve all been given that should be the standard to elevate customer experience to a higher plane.

  1. To See… the future, envision possibilities, and create a vision to unique others in the cause
  2. To Hear… to listen to the core needs of customers and team members
  3. To Touch… to measure, to analyze, and create effective experiences
  4. To Taste… to understand, comprehend, and experiment in customer experiences
  5. To Smell… to predict, innovate, an anticipate what customers need
  6. To Laugh… to be enthusiastic, and bring a level of personality into our organizations
  7. To Love… to have passion and appreciate the intricacies of customer relationships

When an organization believes in these principles and makes it their focus, not only will their client base grow but so will the loyalty and moral of the employees…

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