Supporting Survivors: Case Management Software for Victim Services Agencies

Posted by GVT Admin on May 23, 2024 11:30:00 AM

Victim services agencies play a crucial role in supporting survivors of crime, violence, and abuse. These organizations are dedicated to helping individuals rebuild their lives and navigate the complex challenges that arise in the aftermath of traumatic experiences. In recent years, the integration of case management software has revolutionized the way victim services agencies operate, enhancing their ability to provide comprehensive, efficient, and victim-centered support.

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Topics: Victim Services

Choosing the Right Cloud-Based Case Management Software for Victim Services

Posted by GVT Admin on Jan 25, 2024 1:05:00 PM

Embarking on the journey to choose the right cloud-based case management software for victim services is more than just a technological quest; it's a commitment to the compassionate and practical support of those who have experienced trauma. In the realm of victim services, where empathy and efficiency intersect, the right software becomes a beacon of hope, guiding organizations toward streamlined processes, enhanced collaboration, and, above all, the ability to provide unwavering support to those in need.

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Topics: Victim Services

Victim Services Defined and The Importance of These Non-Profits

Posted by GVT Admin on Jul 7, 2023 10:30:00 AM

According to estimates, one in every six American women has been a victim of sexual violence at least once in their life. Another report suggests that there are over 27 million victims of human trafficking across the world. These victims of various crimes have had their lives turned upside down due as a result to a single event.

However, with the assistance of social service agencies that provide victims with legal, psychological, or financial assistance, these victims of crime have a chance at life. Because of the persistent efforts of victim service organizations that assist law enforcement, perpetrators of these heinous crimes are captured, and their victims are able to reintegrate into society after a traumatic experience.

To know more about the importance of victim services and their crucial role in all communities across the globe, here’s a blog.

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Topics: education, Victim Services, social issues

How NGOs Can Use Technology to Help Human Trafficking Victims

Posted by GVT Admin on Mar 2, 2023 10:45:00 AM

Human trafficking is one of the darkest yet most undeniable realities of today's world.  According to the Human Trafficking Institute, there are 25 million victims of human trafficking worldwide, many of whom never receive the assistance they require.

Social service organizations assisting human trafficking victims have recently joined forces with federal, state, and local agencies, technology companies, and the Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief System Group to emphasize not only the use of technology in human trafficking prevention, but also the better use of information gathered through technology.  The team compiled their findings into a guide for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security recent counter-trafficking strategy.  

However, the question is how NGOs can use technology in their daily case management to improve outcomes for the vulnerable human trafficking victims they serve.

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Topics: case management software, Victim Services

Human Trafficking

Posted by GVT Admin on Jan 5, 2023 8:30:00 AM

Few Americans can look at "human trafficking" with clear vision. The legacy of slavery in America is so distasteful that we prefer to remain in denial and look away from this modern iteration of slavery. Latin American countries, however, where many of the victims are preyed upon, take a much harder look at this criminal depravity and proactively strive to curtail its devastation.

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Topics: Special Reports, Victim Services, social issues

Forensic Social Work...A Little Deeper Dive

Posted by GVT Admin on Aug 24, 2022 10:45:00 AM

We are quite surprised but pleased by our readers' enthusiastic response to our recent blog on forensic social work. Social workers and workers from other professions were so intrigued by the work that forensic social workers do within the criminal justice system that they asked if we would flesh out a little more the career details of the forensic social work specialty. If you're considering a career in forensic social work, here's an overview you may find helpful.

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Topics: Juvenile Justice, what social workers do, Victim Services, Adult Re-Entry

Forensic Social Work

Posted by GVT Admin on Aug 3, 2022 10:45:00 AM

There are over 111,565 forensic social workers currently employed in the United States, but few people have any idea what they do. Forensic social workers are involved in both criminal and civil cases that can include termination of parental rights, juvenile and adult justice services, corrections, and mandated treatment. They fight against oppression that is exhibited through exploitation, marginalization, powerlessness, violence, criminalization, and cultural dominance or imperialism. Forensic social workers assist individuals of all ages, handling child custody, juvenile arrest, and child maltreatment, elder abuse, divorce, civil disputes and criminal offending and imprisonment. As counselors they may provide psychosocial counseling, group counseling or mediation services. As a case manager or liaison, they link the legal world with the field of social work. They may be employed across a wide variety of settings such as court systems, mental health agencies, rehabilitation centers, correctional facilities, hospitals, child and family agencies, prisons, and faith-based institutions.

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Topics: Juvenile Justice, what social workers do, Victim Services, Adult Re-Entry

Causes and Types of Domestic Violence – What You Need to Know

Posted by GVT Admin on Jul 7, 2022 12:45:00 PM

Victims' of domestic violence are frequently traumatized and perplexed, believing there is no way out of their predicament. However, many survivors have difficulty recognizing the abuse. Understanding and recognizing the various types of domestic violence is essential for leaving an abusive environment.

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Topics: Family and Child Welfare, Victim Services

News from NIJ Publications...Human Trafficking

Posted by GVT Admin on Jul 30, 2021 11:31:20 AM

For survivors, Justice is more About healing and Preventing Future Trafficking!

Today is World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, when we to raise awareness about human trafficking, and promote and protect the rights of trafficking victims. 

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Topics: Government, Victim Services

The Death of Trust...Victim Services

Posted by GVT Admin on Mar 3, 2021 12:30:00 PM

We are taught as children that we can trust our parents, our teachers, our religious leaders, the police, the mayor, and the President of the United States. It is their duty to care for us, to mean us well, and to do only good. We can trust them; until we can’t.

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Topics: Veterans Issues, caseworkers, human services, Family and Child Welfare, Victim Services

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