The Dos and Don’ts of Moving Your Case Management Service to The Cloud

Posted by GVT Admin on Aug 29, 2023 10:40:00 AM

As more social service firms rely on technology to achieve a competitive advantage; case management systems are becoming more popular. They are especially focused on improving their casework through the usage of cloud-based data management tools.

Case management can be exceedingly complex, requiring the management and analysis of massive amounts of data and paperwork. That's where cloud computing comes in. Their better data handling abilities have the potential to revolutionize how social services case managers carry out their daily work. Cloud case management software, on the other hand, presents its own set of potential and challenges.

We've talked about the dos and don'ts of cloud migration for your case management organization in this blog. We hope you find the information useful.  

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Topics: FAMCare Tips and Tools

An Agency Guide to Upgrading Case Management Software...

Posted by George Ritacco on Jul 14, 2023 2:00:00 PM

Finding the best case management software to meet your agency's size and mission can be challenging as social service agencies expand and new case management software enters the market. If your organization wants to manage its caseload more effectively, we hope to be able to provide some assistance and direction. This is a significant choice that, quite honestly, has the potential to change how your organization operates.  

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Topics: Special Reports, FAMCare Tips and Tools

4 Measures to Prevent a Data Breach for your Social Service Agency

Posted by GVT Admin on Jul 5, 2023 9:00:00 AM

Cybersecurity threats and data breaches have become much more common in recent years. In the last year alone, there were over 1800 incidents of data breaches that were publicly reported. These incidents resulted in a loss of billions for over 420 million people.

If you think non-profits are immune to cybercrimes and data breaches, think again. Experts suggest that non-profit agencies must be prepared for data breaches as much as for-profit business organizations. This is because human service agencies sit atop valuable personal data that hackers may find tempting to misuse.

Keen to learn more about emergency preparation for data breaches and upskill your case managers? Here are three tips...

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Topics: FAMCare Tips and Tools, cyber security

3 Telltale Signs Your Current Non-Profit Software Needs to be Updated

Posted by GVT Admin on Jun 12, 2023 1:30:00 PM

It’s never a good idea to be stuck in the past. Technology is making huge advancements every day, yet many non-profit organizations continue to maintain the same basis of operations for decades. Inefficiency breeds internal turmoil and can ruin budgets. There are many more effective options that you can utilize instead, such as getting a whole new non-profit case management software.  Think of it as an investment in the future success of your agency.   Here are some signs that you might need an upgrade...

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Topics: FAMCare Tips and Tools, FAMCare

Five Ways to Streamline Your Caseload

Posted by GVT Admin on Mar 24, 2023 9:00:00 AM

The demand for enhanced productivity inside teams has emerged as one of the top goals for organizations. Case managers in the human services industry are motivated to increase their caseload capacity, take on more clients, and become more involved in their local communities.

However, it's reasonable to say that given the evolving nature of the human services industry and the unique problems faced by social services, simplifying your caseload may seem like a laborious task. We hope that this article will help you streamline your caseload and save you time and energy. This will put a smile on your face and the faces of your teammates!

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Topics: Social Services Industry News, FAMCare Tips and Tools, case management software

Helpful Tips to Get Your Helpdesk Ticket Resolved Faster

Posted by GVT Admin on Feb 14, 2023 10:54:05 AM

It can certainly be frustrating to submit a helpdesk ticket and wait, for what feels like an eternity, for a resolution.  You may wonder, “Why am I not getting a response?  What is taking so long?”  You may also be asking yourself, “Did I provide enough information?”

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Topics: Global Vision Technologies, FAMCare Tips and Tools, Technology Speak, FAMCare Team Blog's

3 Steps to Simplifying Your Referral Process - A Referral Process Makeover

Posted by George Ritacco on Dec 27, 2022 12:00:00 PM

If you’re like most agencies, the people you serve have come to you through a referral process.  Being able to track where you get your “clients” or “kids” or “students”, etc. (for this article let’s refer to them as clients) is vitally important to your business model.  Clients may be referred to you through the schools, courts, hospitals, jails, DHS, and other organizations that provide complimentary services.

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Topics: FAMCare Tips and Tools, case management workflow, nonprofit software solutions, case load

5 Simple Ways to Manage Your Caseload Effectively

Posted by Inise Mayfield on Oct 18, 2022 12:30:00 PM

Struggling with staying on top of all of your cases?  Worried that someone may fall through the cracks?  Not sure how you can possibly help all of your clients achieve their best outcome?

As a former caseworker for DFCS, I've been there.  I also know the transformation I had to go through to take control of my workday and case load.

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Topics: Social Services Industry News, Child Welfare, Foster Care, FAMCare Tips and Tools, FAMCare Team Blog's

How Do You Know WHEN It's the Right Time to Upgrade Your Software?

Posted by George Ritacco on Sep 7, 2022 1:00:00 AM

For most organizations, case management software is about a lot more than just making your day slightly easier through the adoption of new technology. It's about leveraging the power of the digital world both to your advantage and to the advantage of the people you serve. It's about enabling superior communication that gives way to better, stronger collaboration. It's about driving business outcomes and building your enterprise around the performance-enhancing engine that you need when you need it the most.

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Topics: FAMCare Tips and Tools, FAMCare

FAMCare Q&A: Configuration and Customization

Posted by George Ritacco on Sep 1, 2022 2:30:00 AM

We speak to clients every day.  We often get questions asked around the difference between "configuration" and "customization".  I wanted to help set the FAMCare record straight and share how the FAMCare platform answers this question.

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Topics: FAMCare Tips and Tools, FAMCare, case management software

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