Here Comes Summer

Posted by GVT Admin on Jun 26, 2024 11:30:00 AM

Burnout is this summer's key word for social workers. The first heat wave has already rolled across the nation, and climate experts tell us there is more to come. Since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, summertime has been vacation time. The time when workers rest and refresh for another year of labor looming in the fall. Not so for social workers. Research reveals that the demands on social workers pick up in the summer months, but social workers accustomed to the natural rhythms of the American workforce tend to drift into summer expecting to rest and relax like the rest of the world. They are often not prepared for the relentless intensity of need that their clients experience as the summer heat and school closers put an even greater burden on struggling parents, the elderly, and the homeless. As it turns out, just when social workers start to let down their natural guard in step with traditional summer slack time, they are deluged with intensifying client need. In short, social workers are not prepared and without purposeful self-care often burnout during the summer months.

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Topics: social workers, Self Care in Social Work

From Bitter to Sweet

Posted by GVT Admin on Mar 27, 2024 10:45:00 AM

A recent study found that "Working for the government" leaves a bad taste in the mouth of eager young social work students. It is not clear how this unwarranted aftertaste got there, but few American citizens realize how much good their government does for society at large. The social changes being driven in today’s society are being powered by younger students wanting to make a change. Change comes about when individuals, working for a collective good, do whatever it takes to make a positive contribution — and moving for positive changes while working at a government job in a socially aware environment is one way to see those changes occur.

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Topics: Government, social workers

The Risk of Violence

Posted by GVT Admin on Mar 13, 2024 1:24:58 PM

In the article “The Urgency of Social Worker Safety,” National Association of Social Workers (NASW) President James J. Kelly, PhD, ACSW, LCSW, noted, “In the past few years alone, we have witnessed the fatal stabbing of a clinical social worker in Boston, the deadly beating of a social service aide in Kentucky, the sexual assault and murder of a social worker in West Virginia, the shooting of a clinical social worker and Navy Commander at a mental health clinic in Baghdad, and the brutal slaying of social worker Teri Zenner in Kansas. These are only a few of the murders of our colleagues, which, along with numerous assaults and threats of violence, paint a troubling picture for the profession.”

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Topics: social workers, social issues

AI in Social Work

Posted by GVT Admin on Feb 9, 2024 12:00:00 AM

Artificial intelligence has suddenly captured the imagination of the country's academic, business, government, and social communities. Everyone is startled and concerned that computers can now do the thinking for us and render the intelligence that once set humans above the entire natural world - superfluous.

This, of course, is a bit of an overstatement. Artificial intelligence (AI) is, in fact, the greatest leap forward in human ingenuity since the invention of the internet, but it is still the result of human ingenuity, not the replacement. Let's take a closer look at artificial intelligence.

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Topics: Social Services Industry News, Technology Speak, social workers

A Constantly Shifting Paradigm

Posted by GVT Admin on Jan 17, 2024 2:45:43 PM

Social workers who identify with the marginalized populations they are sworn to support are now caught up in a shifting social paradigm that has turned identifying with certain needy groups into dangerous divisive politics. This paradigm shift has been so gradual it almost went unnoticed until it finally crystallized into hard political positions. The last place that devoted, well-meaning social workers want to find themselves is being pushed to the hard right or the far left when it comes to identifying need and taking action to alleviate suffering. How did this shift happen?

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Topics: social workers, social issues

Private Practice

Posted by GVT Admin on Nov 29, 2023 10:36:09 AM

Social workers, especially those specializing in counseling and psychotherapy often lean toward a career in private practice.

“I absolutely love being in private practice, everything about it,” says Barbara Groves, LCSW, who has a private practice in Charlottesville, Virginia. “The flexibility, for example, to write off copays for motivated single working moms and students from low-income homes. The variety of patients in racial, socioeconomic, and spiritual orientation, as well as gender and political affiliation is so rewarding to me. I feel that I make a difference every day in helping patients become more self-aware and to become enlightened stewards of their lives.” (The Challenges of Private Practice by Sue Coyle, MSW, Social Work Today, Vol. 23 No. 3 P. 10)

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Topics: mental health, social workers

Case Management vs. Social Work: Unpacking the Differences

Posted by GVT Admin on Nov 13, 2023 10:29:00 AM


Human services are a broad spectrum with case management and social work as its strong pillars. They are often spoken of in the same breath, but they serve distinct roles, each with its unique purposes and methods. If you're in the field or considering a career within it, understanding the differences between case management vs. social work is crucial. In this post, we'll delve into the fundamental differences between these two critical aspects of support for individuals and communities.

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Topics: caseworkers, social workers

Both Sides Weigh In

Posted by GVT Admin on Nov 1, 2023 10:30:00 AM

Last week's discussion about the burnout rate of the young, well-intentioned social workers who choose Child Welfare as their area of interest excited feedback from all corners of the non-profit world. Both the CPS workers and the agencies had plenty to say in a follow-up article by Sue Coyle in Social Work Today.

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Topics: social workers, Family and Child Welfare

Social Work 2023

Posted by GVT Admin on Aug 9, 2023 10:30:00 AM

Once a year we like to step back and take a look at the evolving Social Work profession. What began as a career almost strictly for women who were compelled to help their less fortunate fellow man, has evolved into a highly sophisticated profession often requiring advanced degrees that attracts both men and women from all walks of life.

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Topics: social workers, what social workers do

Social Work Corner: The Dos and Don’ts to Know Before Your First Case

Posted by GVT Admin on Jul 25, 2023 1:07:00 PM

Stepping into the social services field is undeniably one of the most rewarding career decisions you’ll ever take. This industry allows you to bring a change in others’ lives while improving your professionalism and skillset as a social worker. 

However, we'd like to familiarize you with the essential dos and don'ts of human services case management before you take on your first case. To learn some seasoned social workers' best recommendations, keep reading!

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Topics: social workers

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