How Non-Profit Organizations Can Improve Their Caseload Capacity

Posted by GVT Admin on Jun 1, 2023 12:09:00 PM

Non-profit organizations play an integral role in empowering and helping those in need. However, limited caseload capacity can negatively impact their ability to assist people in need. In this article, we will discuss how non-profits can optimize their caseload capacity and serve a larger portion of the community.

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Topics: case load, nonprofit management

3 Steps to Simplifying Your Referral Process - A Referral Process Makeover

Posted by George Ritacco on Dec 27, 2022 12:00:00 PM

If you’re like most agencies, the people you serve have come to you through a referral process.  Being able to track where you get your “clients” or “kids” or “students”, etc. (for this article let’s refer to them as clients) is vitally important to your business model.  Clients may be referred to you through the schools, courts, hospitals, jails, DHS, and other organizations that provide complimentary services.

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Topics: FAMCare Tips and Tools, case management workflow, nonprofit software solutions, case load

3 Ways Technology Can Simplify a Caseworker's Routine

Posted by GVT Admin on Sep 15, 2022 10:45:00 AM

If you work in human services, you may occasionally feel overburdened. Work processes that are time-consuming and intensive, as well as manual procedures for gathering, retrieving, and distributing information, result in inefficient use of a caseworker's time.
Fortunately, technological advancements allow you to make your casework operation easier and more efficient. Let's look at how case management software can help caseworkers manage their caseloads more efficiently and effectively.

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Topics: Technology Speak, case load

How the Right Social Services Software Can Improve the Adoption Process

Posted by Mandy Frary on Aug 26, 2022 1:30:00 AM

With over 400,000 children in foster care and over 100,000 adoptable children in the United States, we are passionate about improving the adoption process with the right social services software. The length of the adoption process can vary by state but having the right software in place can help improve the process for all parties involved.

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Topics: Adoption, case management software, nonprofit software solutions, human services, case load, social services software

Good Case Management Software Helps Keep Clients from Slipping Through the Cracks.

Posted by GVT Admin on Jul 16, 2019 9:39:00 AM

You have good caseworkers who are committed to their clients. They work long hours and go above and beyond to make sure everyone is getting the help they need. Yet, it’s still too easy for someone to slip through the cracks if you’re using an antiquated or old school record system. Or if the caseworker is overwhelmed with too much to do and too little time to do it. Using the right case management software can alleviate some of these issues and help make sure nobody falls through the cracks.

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Topics: FAMCare, case management workflow, case management software, caseworkers, case load, social workers

How Nonprofit Software Solutions Help Your Organization Make Better Decisions

Posted by GVT Admin on May 2, 2019 9:59:06 AM

As a nonprofit case worker or administrator, you have a lot of decisions to make every week. And unlike some other jobs, the decisions you make can have a huge impact, not only on your organization, but on the lives of the people in your care. Having the right nonprofit software solutions can make those decisions easier and gives you the information needed to make the best decisions for everyone involved.

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Topics: Nonpropfit Accounting, nonprofit software solutions, nonprofit funding, case load, nonprofit management

Experts Share Methods for Case Manager Stress Relief

Posted by GVT Admin on Mar 6, 2019 11:02:07 AM


We know that being a case manager comes with a lot of different stressors. It's just part of the job. But we want to help ease some of that stress. This is another post in our ongoing series of blogs on case manager stress relief.

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Topics: case management workflow, case load, Self Care in Social Work

Using Case Management Software To Create Better Caseworker Collaboration

Posted by GVT Admin on Oct 18, 2018 6:07:00 AM

A caseworker’s job consists of many facets: assessing client needs, home visits, evaluations, reporting, listening to concerns, problem solving, providing referrals and the list goes on. While wanting to collaborate with coworkers and the community on projects is always the goal, the ability to do so can often be hindered by a caseworker’s workload. Fortunately, with the right case management software in place, increased collaboration can be possible.

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Topics: Secure Case Management, case management workflow, case management software, caseworkers, human services, case load, social services software, cyber security

How Case Manager Stress Relief Prevents Burnout by Lessening Exhaustion Factors

Posted by GVT Admin on Sep 20, 2018 3:44:06 PM


This is the third in our series on case manager stress relief. In the first post we discussed the physical things you can do daily to relieve stress. The second post focused on ways to find mental stress relief. Today, we look at how to prevent burnout by identifying and lessening exhaustion factors.

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Topics: Social Services Industry News, case load, Self Care in Social Work

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