Mandy Frary

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The Right Social Services Software Adds Protection in Child Welfare Cases

Posted by Mandy Frary on Mar 16, 2023 9:00:00 AM

How we care for the most vulnerable among us is one of the great challenges of our time. As Mahatma Ghandi once said, “A nation’s greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members.” And social workers are hard-pressed to find one group in more dire need of urgent attention than children at risk of neglect or abuse.

Children deprived of a safe, nurturing family environment are entitled to special protection, assistance and alternative care. And today’s caseworkers can most effectively address this with the right social services software.

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Topics: Child Welfare, Juvenile Justice, caseworkers, social services software, social services, social workers, human services software, FAMCare Team Blog's

Case Workers in Family Services Benefit from Social Services Software

Posted by Mandy Frary on Oct 9, 2022 3:37:00 PM

For those working in child services, an understanding of family situations is vital in being able to help improve child welfare. Fortunately for those agencies, utilizing the right social services software can help streamline processes and effectively “humanize” the various situations.

The goal is to always be improving child welfare through various services, responses and interventions, and with the right social services software on your side, the tasks can become easier to track and perhaps even more simple.

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Topics: Child Welfare, Foster Care, human services, social services software, social workers

How the Right Social Services Software Can Improve the Adoption Process

Posted by Mandy Frary on Aug 26, 2022 1:30:00 AM

With over 400,000 children in foster care and over 100,000 adoptable children in the United States, we are passionate about improving the adoption process with the right social services software. The length of the adoption process can vary by state but having the right software in place can help improve the process for all parties involved.

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Topics: Adoption, case management software, nonprofit software solutions, human services, case load, social services software

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