In recent years, funders are demanding that social service organizations analyze their program activities and outputs in a more meaningful way. For agencies to just say they are “doing good” is no longer enough. Organizations now need to justify costs by demonstrating program value. They must be able to justify their programs and funding by illustrating the quality of their services and show that their programs are producing meaningful outcomes that are aligned with larger policy priorities.
Data Based Reporting
The ability of social service organizations to produce a “more meaningful” analysis rests squarely on having comprehensive, up-to-date, accessible program data. For the vast majority of organizations, even smaller ones, this task requires a modern and robust software solution that can support the process, helping the organization to meet its reporting and accountability requirements. The data needs to be in a format that can be easily manipulated and analyzed. This is where the need for an adequate software solution comes into play by providing tools to support the process of data collection, data manipulation and data analysis.
FAMCare’s Software Solution
Modern social service software systems collect extensive data on a real-time basis making data available to analysis that can provide greater insight into client needs and how well the organization is meeting those needs. For example, FAMCare’s cloud-based case management software collects data on:
- Client referral sources
- Waiting lists and wait times
- Length of enrollment in programs
- Enrollment in multiple programs simultaneously
- Repeat enrollments over time
FAMCare can also collate detailed discharge information providing deeper insight into program effectiveness, including:
- Is the client being discharged from the program because the program cycle was successfully completed?
- Or, did the client choose to withdraw prior to completion? Was it a case where the client no longer required support services?
- Or, if the client was in need of alternative services, was the program able to facilitate an outbound referral for the client?
- Was the initial program able to confirm that the client did indeed get successfully linked up with the new program or appropriate resources?
Over time, patterns emerge when the information is aggregated across all demographic groups providing further program insight.
- What patterns emerge when looking at this information over the past year?
- The past five years?
- Does the data show any emerging trends that the program may need to adapt to?
FAMCare’s Unique Structure
Global Vision Technology’s engineers have designed FAMCare’s user interface to enable case workers to automatically archive data while going about their daily tasks and to render the data available to analysis and presentation utilizing:
- Customizable templates that enable swift, efficient collection of mission-critical data.
- Intuitive search capability that quickly puts this valuable data at management’s fingertips.
- Dashboards and reports that render the data meaningful and actionable.
- The ability to collect data in real time on any device.
FAMCare’s case management software is not only a social service efficiency engine but is also an analytical and reporting compiler with awesome capability. Modern case management software is no longer a luxury reserved for larger agencies but is an essential tool for all social service agencies regardless of size.