It’s almost 2022 and most organizations across industries have embraced technological solutions. This stands true for most nonprofits around the world as well. This is because, for the most part, technology is a modern necessity that organizations can no longer ignore.
Why Case Management Technology is More Important Than Ever in 2022
Simple Guide to Choosing the Right Case Management Software
Have you finally decided to step up and invest in case management software for your organization? Or are you simply upgrading because of an average software you’re fed up with? Whatever the case, it’s crucial to make the choice wisely.
3 Key Benefits of Using Case Management Software for Your Organization
Whether your organization is a nonprofit dealing with child welfare or your heading a governmental department for social services, you’re probably used to seeing your caseworkers drowning in paperwork and putting in extra hours to stay on top of everything.
Topics: case management software, social services software, human services software
FAMCare is a leader for agencies who want to improve how they manage their data and outcomes for our society's most vulnerable. FAMCare is a social services software system that includes best practice data collection forms and workflow designed to optimize how a caseworker works with their clients each day.
Topics: FAMCare, social services software, human services software
What is Case Management Software and When Do You Need It?
If you work for a government or nonprofit social services organization, you’re probably well aware of one of the most common woes of social workers, i.e., the caseload.
It’s no secret that there is a serious shortage of social workers in the country, and there are way too many cases per worker. This is essentially why case management is taken as a serious concern across social services organizations. Since the 1990s, case management software has been widely available and highly recommended to help manage the large, overwhelming work loads in the social services field.
But if you’re not quite about them yet, this should help.
A Brief Guide to Human Services Case Management Software
The COVID-19 pandemic was an unprecedented catastrophe, the likes of which the modern world had never seen before. It affected billions around the planet and no country escaped unscathed, including the U.S.
The pandemic has had a huge impact on the country’s socio-economic conditions. The healthcare system is exhausted, people have lost jobs and loved ones and in general, the percentage of the vulnerable and dependent population has risen significantly.
This means human services organization are working harder than ever and they need all the help they can get. This is where human services software can provide that much needed extra hand.
Topics: FAMCare, case management software, human services software
Infographic: How to Use FAMCare to Improve Caseworker Productivity
This infographic simply details how you can use Case Management Software to help your agency optimize their case load. We understand that your agency's success is tied to your ability to integrate best practices in everyday caseworker activities. Casework isn't simple, but it can be easier, more efficient, therefore increasing your team’s productivity. This allows them to spend more time on what really matters, the client’s that they serve!
Topics: case management software, social services software, human services software
Refugees create unique issues for human services organizations, especially when it comes to creating and maintaining an accurate database to manage the care they need. One of the main things you find with onboarding the refugees into your database is the difficult nature of getting accurate data. It is hard to track that information and store that information and then to get your database to talk to other databases that data.
Topics: nonprofit software solutions, human services, human services software, immigration, FAMCare Team Blog's
Create Efficient Collaboration with the Right Government Software Solutions
We are in an unprecedented stretch of strong economic conditions where there are more jobs than job applicants. Yet, there are still many children and families who are suffering and in need of government agency help. So many, in fact, that human services caseworkers often still feel overwhelmed by heavy caseloads and the accompanying paperwork.
Topics: Government, Case Studies, case management workflow, case management software, human services, social services software, social services, human services software
How Human Services Software Improved Care for Residential Youth in St. Louis
I have seen first hand how having the right human services software can really make a difference in kids’ lives. How kids that are in the system, for whatever reason, can get better treatment, better understanding and a chance to just be kids.
Topics: Child Welfare, Case Studies, FAMCare Tips and Tools, How Clients Use FAMCare, mental health, HIPAA Compliant, human services, human services software, FAMCare Team Blog's