We are in an unprecedented stretch of strong economic conditions where there are more jobs than job applicants. Yet, there are still many children and families who are suffering and in need of government agency help. So many, in fact, that human services caseworkers often still feel overwhelmed by heavy caseloads and the accompanying paperwork.
Create Efficient Collaboration with the Right Government Software Solutions
Topics: Government, Case Studies, case management workflow, case management software, human services, social services software, social services, human services software
How Human Services Software Improved Care for Residential Youth in St. Louis
I have seen first hand how having the right human services software can really make a difference in kids’ lives. How kids that are in the system, for whatever reason, can get better treatment, better understanding and a chance to just be kids.
Topics: Child Welfare, Case Studies, FAMCare Tips and Tools, How Clients Use FAMCare, mental health, HIPAA Compliant, human services, human services software, FAMCare Team Blog's
How Human Services Software Helps Catholic Charities Be More Spiritual
The mission of Catholic charities is to provide service to people in need, to advocate for justice in social structures and to call the entire church and other people of good will to do the same. The mission of good human services software is to provide the people of Catholic charities more time to carry out their mission – and less time doing paperwork. Going paperless with the right human services software allows those working in these charities more of the face-to-face functions necessary to achieve their goals.
Topics: Nonprofit General, caseworkers, human services software
A new resource guide is available that helps to keep our teens and youth safe. If you'd like to grab a copy - you can get it here: https://www.staysafe.org/teens/
Topics: Child Welfare, Juvenile Justice, grants, social services software, human services software
A resource for finding Federal grants to fund youth programs has been shared with our team. You can find information on the http://youth.gov website.
Topics: Child Welfare, Juvenile Justice, grants, social services software, human services software
How Human Services Software Help Faith-Based Ministries
Helping people through the physical and mental issues they’re dealing with is often just a part of the healing process. For many, spirituality is a core value of their life, and therefore an integral part of the therapeutic process.
Topics: case management software, nonprofit mission, human services, social services, social workers, human services software
Spending Too Much Time on Paperwork? Find a Human Services Software Solution
When it comes to your clients and your fellow caseworkers, nothing is more important than meeting face-to-face. The more time spent directly with your client, the more likely you are to achieve the individual case goals and fulfill the mission focus. On paper it seems simple and obvious, yet paper is exactly what continues getting in the way. That’s where having the right human services software comes in.
Topics: case management workflow, case management software, caseworkers, human services, social workers, human services software