Considering Case Management Software? Here are 5 Things to Think About...

Posted by GVT Admin on Apr 7, 2022 7:00:00 AM

When it comes to case management, human services organizations want to improve their efficiency, increase productivity, manage their data, manage caseloads faster, protect their data, and secure new funding. That's a tall order.

It is, however, doable if you find the right case management software. It is critical to do your homework and ensure that the software you choose meets your basic needs and can assist you in meeting your goals.

Before selecting a case management software partner, we have compiled a list of the fundamentals for you to consider.

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Topics: case management software, social services software

8 Software Considerations for the Private Provider

Posted by GVT Admin on Mar 30, 2022 10:45:00 AM

Joan began her career in the helping professions as a nurse in small town New England. A critical shortage of obstetric facilities and practitioners motivated her to specialize as a midwife eventually opening a private practice that thrived for many years. But vulnerable populations pressed in from all sides, and Joan went back to school to get her MSW, enabling her, as she saw it, to respond to need wherever she found it. A few years later she returned to school again to become a Nurse Practitioner and work in the field of behavioral health.

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Topics: mental health, case management software, healthcare

How Non-Profits Are Modernizing Their Technology in 2022

Posted by GVT Admin on Feb 10, 2022 7:00:00 AM

Non-profits have ambitious goals, but they are often buried under a workload of paper. According to an estimate, only 11% of non-profit organizations pay attention to including technology in their operations. Doing things manually takes a lot of time and manpower, so understanding the value of technology is critical for non-profits.  

When agencies dig in and start looking into the advances and potential benefits that modernizing technology can bring to the table, here’s some of the things they consider.

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Topics: Nonprofit General, case management software, nonprofit software solutions

Benefits of Using A Modern Case Management System

Posted by Kim Hickman on Jan 31, 2022 7:00:00 AM

Our world has become increasingly digitized, and this digital evolution didn’t just happen out of the blue. The digital revolution came about because we needed it. This stands true for almost all industries and organizations across the board, including social work.

Social work is one the most demanding fields, and in places like the US, where there is already a shortage of caseworkers, it’s crucial to bridge the gap between demand and supply using technology.

So, if you work for a government or human services organization, social services software is a must.

Here are a few benefits to consider…

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Topics: Technology Speak, case management software, social services software

3 of the Best Tips and Practices to Keep Nonprofit Data Secure

Posted by GVT Admin on Jan 25, 2022 7:00:00 AM

Keeping data secure is a top priority for non-profits and there are several reasons for this.

Non-profits are usually associated with various donors, and the relationship a non-profit has with them is a sensitive one. Protecting their personal information therefore is a priority for any organization.  

Additionally, and most important, many non-profits in the human services field handle adults and juveniles in very vulnerable situations. Therefore, their personal information getting compromised or stolen is simply not acceptable. A breach of data would directly contradict the primary purpose of the non-profit, which is to protect the vulnerable.

Here are a few simple ways non-profits can secure their data.

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Topics: Secure Case Management, case management software, nonprofit software solutions, HIPAA Compliant, social services software

Can Digital Case Management Systems Help Nonprofits Improve Efficiency?

Posted by GVT Admin on Jan 20, 2022 7:00:00 AM

Nonprofit organizations are often chaotic spaces with a plethora of operations and programs underway. There are huge caseloads to deal with, events to organize, and heaps of paperwork to get through. These are just typical days and yes, sometimes, it gets worse.

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Topics: case management software, nonprofit software solutions

3 Must-Have Features in Your Case Management Software

Posted by GVT Admin on Jan 13, 2022 12:47:00 PM

In today’s current environment, case management software has become a need, not a want for any human service organization. The pandemic has put an unprecedented amount of stress on these organizations. Not only has it increased the number of cases, but it has shed light on the need for new flexibility in the workforce. All during a time when America’s caseworker shortage remains unaddressed.

Case management software can help streamline work for your agency, allowing you to serve more clients and cases than before. And luckily, there are several options out there. However, it's crucial to choose a software solution that is not only efficient but can also protect your data and cater to your organization's changing needs.

Here are a few features to look out for.

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Topics: case management software, human services software

Tips for Investing in A Case Management Solution For Your Nonprofit 

Posted by GVT Admin on Jan 3, 2022 7:00:00 AM

If you work in a non-profit or head one, you’re probably well aware of how hectic things can get. From managing fundraising to juggling large numbers of cases at a time, there’s too much to do all the time, and you probably end up leaving things for the next day—pretty much every day.

If this has been happening for a while now and you have a backlog of epic proportions, it may be time to invest in a non-profit case management software.

But no two non-profit software are the same, so make sure you assess your organization’s needs well and pick a software solution that works best for you.  

Here’s how to go about it.  

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Topics: case management software, social services software

Infographic: What to look for when choosing Case Management Software

Posted by GVT Admin on Dec 28, 2021 10:00:00 AM

When you’re contemplating investing in case management software for your human services organization or governmental agency, it’s not like walking into a computer store and grabbing software off the shelf. The huge advantages human services software can bring to your agencies vital work takes careful time and consideration. You’re picking an important partner!

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Topics: case management software

Why Case Management Technology is More Important Than Ever in 2022

Posted by GVT Admin on Dec 27, 2021 7:00:00 AM

It’s almost 2022 and most organizations across industries have embraced technological solutions. This stands true for most nonprofits around the world as well. This is because, for the most part, technology is a modern necessity that organizations can no longer ignore.

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Topics: case management software, human services software

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