How Non-Profits Are Modernizing Their Technology in 2022

Posted by GVT Admin on Feb 10, 2022 7:00:00 AM

Nonprofit planningNon-profits have ambitious goals, but they are often buried under a workload of paper. According to an estimate, only 11% of non-profit organizations pay attention to including technology in their operations. Doing things manually takes a lot of time and manpower, so understanding the value of technology is critical for non-profits.  

When agencies dig in and start looking into the advances and potential benefits that modernizing technology can bring to the table, here’s some of the things they consider.

Opting for a Human Services Case Management

Many non-profits are opting for case management software to digitize their operations.

This software is specifically developed to help agencies run more efficiently, boost productivity, managing data and caseloads, protect your data, and even help with funding. Everything is connected, designed to save both time and money.

When the pandemic hit, agencies with case management software found it easier to continue their vital work remotely. Management will find it’s an essential tool for error-free auditing and billing. The possibilities are endless.

Working with Collaboration Tools

Collaboration is key to ensuring good communication flow throughout the organization. Several communication tools, such as Zoom or Teams, have increasingly helped non-profits connect and collaborate with people worldwide.

Such tools ensure timely delivery of projects and allow organizations to work efficiently from a remote location. A lot of non-profits are opting for collaboration tools to form tighter bonds within their organization and with other agencies.

Cloud Based Services 

Non-profits generally have large caseloads. Physically saving cases on paper takes time and a lot of space. Therefore, they are opting for case management tools and software that can safely store all their relevant data in one place.

A cloud-based platform provides a safe and secure way to store all your information. The ability to retrieve information remotely and not having to physically manage files is a huge win for nonprofits.

Planning and Implementing nonprofit meeting

Bottom line, don't be afraid of modernizing your technology.  Many non-profit agencies find that as they grow, excel type programs don’t provide the power needed to effectively manage caseloads, billing, auditing and the million other important tasks they perform.  The benefits to upgrading your current non-profit software, far outweigh the time and effort of planning and implementation.  So, in 2022 be brave and take those first steps...


Global Vision Technologies, the developers of FAMCare, is an industry leader for non-profit case management software. If you would like to learn more about how we can help you modernize how your agency works, please visit us at 

Topics: Nonprofit General, case management software, nonprofit software solutions

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