Thanksgiving Reminder

Posted by GVT Admin on Nov 30, 2022 10:45:00 AM

We recently overheard two nine-year-olds discussing a Thanksgiving food bank ad they happened to be watching on T.V.

NYO#1 “Look at all those turkeys. Who gets them all?"

NYO#2 "Hungry children in China."

NYO#1 "Do they have Thanksgiving in China?"

NYO#2 "I guess so. They must, or they wouldn't need so many turkeys."

NYO#1 "Wow. They sure have a lot of hungry people."

NYO#2 "Yup. They do. Everybody in China is hungry."

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Topics: Homeless & Food Pantry, social issues

Starting Over

Posted by GVT Admin on Nov 23, 2022 10:45:00 AM

Every now and then this blog takes a close-up of the work an individual agency is doing. This week we would like to profile Starting Over, Inc. a small Los Angeles agency dedicated to helping individuals who have fallen by the wayside and are trying to reenter the mainstream of normal life. Starting Over Inc. is dedicated to helping Southern California's most vulnerable by addressing homelessness, recidivism, and reentry. Although providing transitional housing is an important part of their service, over time the program has evolved a seven-part service model that seeks to address the complex of conditions that hinder a successful reentry into the mainstream.

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Topics: Juvenile Justice, Homeless & Food Pantry, Adult Re-Entry

Five Ways to Improve Efficiency and Streamline Processes at Your NGO

Posted by GVT Admin on Nov 21, 2022 10:45:00 AM

As of right now, they estimate that there are ten million NGO organizations around the world. Catering to millions of people in need across various regions, humanitarian services have played an important role throughout history.

Whether it’s global catastrophes that require immediate action or welfare programs that help feed those in need, human services are a necessary part of how modern societies function.

But in recent years, it has become tough for NGOs and NPOs to effectively run their operations without getting hindered by financial, geographical, and workforce challenges. This is where technology comes into play; it can help NGOs streamline their processes and improve efficiency to continue doing good work.

In this blog today, we’ll look at some of the ways non-profits can improve their efficiency by streamlining their day-to-day operations. But first, let’s discuss the benefits of doing so.

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Topics: case management software, digital transformation, nonprofit management

Four Tips for Increasing Fundraising for Your NGO

Posted by GVT Admin on Nov 17, 2022 10:45:00 AM

There are an estimated ten million non-governmental organizations (NGOs) worldwide. There are 1.5 million of them in the United States. America has one of the most promising welfare infrastructures due to its extensive network of social services.

At the same time, the presence of the vast majority of non-profits in the United States makes it difficult for these NGOs to run their operations consistently and with adequate funds.

Donors have many options for charities, as many NGOs are unable to attract large enough projects. Smaller non-profits have a particularly difficult time attracting long-term donors.

Today's article will give you some general fundraising tips that will benefit any NGO, regardless of mission or vulnerable population that they serve.  

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Topics: Fundraising Ideas, nonprofit funding

People Who Care

Posted by GVT Admin on Nov 16, 2022 9:16:03 AM

The country’s psyche has put the pandemic aside. Even with the virus still circulating Americans have put away their masks and come out to play. This ability to quickly recover from even the most devastating traumas marks the American character. We’re always ready to move on to new business.

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Topics: Nonprofit General, what social workers do, Covid-19/Pandemic

How Case Management Tools Can Help You Become a Better Caseworker

Posted by GVT Admin on Nov 15, 2022 10:45:00 AM

In the US, there are more than 700,000 caseworkers, according to data from 2020. If you're a member of this sizable workforce, you are well aware of the difficulties faced by those who work in the nation's human services.
It's never been more challenging to serve the people with a big number of individuals in need of your help, a growing workload, and a slow rate of growth among new employees. As a result, many caseworkers today who work in the fields of child welfare, juvenile justice, mental health care, and senior care are finding that technology can help them improve their operations.  

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Topics: case management software, caseworkers

Five Caseworker Rookie Mistakes to Avoid

Posted by GVT Admin on Nov 11, 2022 9:00:00 AM

According to estimates, the United States has over 680,000 social workers affiliated with various non-profit organizations. Social workers play an important role in the American social fabric, from juvenile justice to veteran services, senior services, and child welfare.

However, in their pursuit of doing good for humanity, social workers occasionally make mistakes that add to their workload and stress. So, if you're a new caseworker about to embark on your journey, this article is for you.

Continue reading to learn about the five rookie mistakes that caseworkers make that can add stress and make their jobs more difficult.

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Topics: caseworkers, social workers

Why Nonprofits Should Digitize Their Operations

Posted by Kim Hickman on Nov 10, 2022 10:45:00 AM

The United States has over 1.5 million non-profit organizations and a vast human services network. From child and family services to juvenile justice, veteran services, senior services, and mental health services, the United States has a plethora of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) dedicated to the betterment of humanity.
In recent years, as more caseworkers used technology to better serve their communities, digitization has grown in popularity among non-profits. If your NGO has yet to implement digital tools, read on to learn about the benefits of digitizing your operations.

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Topics: digital transformation, nonprofit management

Cops and No Counselors

Posted by GVT Admin on Nov 9, 2022 11:45:00 AM

Since the 1900s, U.S. public schools have employed a growing number of school resource officers (SROs) – sworn law enforcement officials. In 1975, only 1% of schools reported having police officers on site, but by 2018, approximately 58% of schools had at least one sworn law enforcement official present during the school week. Since 1998, the federal government has invested over $1 billion to explicitly increase police presence in schools, and over $14 billion to advance community policing, which can include SROs.

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Topics: education, criminal justice, social issues

Case Manager Stress Relief For Social Worker Performance Anxiety

Posted by GVT Admin on Nov 9, 2022 10:21:00 AM

Performance anxiety can often add to the high stress experienced by social work case managers. After all, social worker performance isn’t about how many widgets you make or how much profit you brought to the bottom line. It’s about helping real people deal with real life problems. If your performance is lacking, it could mess up someone’s life or even end it. That's the mindset that leads to social worker performance anxiety.

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Topics: case management software, Self Care in Social Work

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