I have seen first hand how having the right human services software can really make a difference in kids’ lives. How kids that are in the system, for whatever reason, can get better treatment, better understanding and a chance to just be kids.
How Human Services Software Improved Care for Residential Youth in St. Louis
Topics: Child Welfare, Case Studies, FAMCare Tips and Tools, How Clients Use FAMCare, mental health, HIPAA Compliant, human services, human services software, FAMCare Team Blog's
How Human Services Software Help Faith-Based Ministries
Helping people through the physical and mental issues they’re dealing with is often just a part of the healing process. For many, spirituality is a core value of their life, and therefore an integral part of the therapeutic process.
Topics: case management software, nonprofit mission, human services, social services, social workers, human services software
Spending Too Much Time on Paperwork? Find a Human Services Software Solution
When it comes to your clients and your fellow caseworkers, nothing is more important than meeting face-to-face. The more time spent directly with your client, the more likely you are to achieve the individual case goals and fulfill the mission focus. On paper it seems simple and obvious, yet paper is exactly what continues getting in the way. That’s where having the right human services software comes in.
Topics: case management workflow, case management software, caseworkers, human services, social workers, human services software
"Getting adopted is like finally being able to sit down after standing up for a painfully long time." — Sam, age 9, in foster care - Social Work Today
This touching testimony from a little boy finally emerging from the foster care system opened our eyes to the ongoing trauma children in state custody experience.
Topics: Adoption, caseworkers, human services, social workers
In the beautiful red rock canyon setting of Sedona, Arizona, Caroline Diehl works tirelessly in a cold shed every morning before sunrise filling backpacks with food staples to distribute to hungry local school children.
Topics: Homeless & Food Pantry, human services, social services, public health, social issues
During a recent discussion with social workers engaged in public health, obesity was identified as the major chronic health problem facing the United States.
After hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, social workers and service providers naturally focused on the immediate needs of their clients. They provided food, childcare, safety and support, among other services. However, a year has passed and the critical needs of these people, helpless in the face of mother nature’s awesome power, continue to evolve rather than abate.
Topics: human services, social services, social workers, what social workers do
What is SBNR & How Does it Challenge Social Workers?
The Pew Research Center has found that 20% of the U.S. public—and 34% of adults under 30—are religiously unaffiliated. These are the highest percentages ever recorded. 34% of those considered younger Millennials (born 1990–1994) reported no religious affiliation, compared to Generation Xers (born 1965–1980), with 21% reporting to be religiously unaffiliated.
Topics: mental health, human services, social services, social workers
Using Case Management Software To Create Better Caseworker Collaboration
A caseworker’s job consists of many facets: assessing client needs, home visits, evaluations, reporting, listening to concerns, problem solving, providing referrals and the list goes on. While wanting to collaborate with coworkers and the community on projects is always the goal, the ability to do so can often be hindered by a caseworker’s workload. Fortunately, with the right case management software in place, increased collaboration can be possible.
Topics: Secure Case Management, case management workflow, case management software, caseworkers, human services, case load, social services software, cyber security
In this new dystopian world of negative and divisive political discourse, we find it refreshing to seek out and report on the positive, uniting energy of the mission-centric nonprofit “other-world” we inhabit with our colleagues across the country.
Topics: Nonprofit General, nonprofit sustainability, human services