Employee turnover is becoming a major problem for nonprofits. A 2021 survey by the National Council of Nonprofits of over 1,000 nonprofit organizations found that 42% of responding organizations had job openings for 20% of their positions. Almost half of those responding had more than 30% of their positions vacant.
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Topics: Nonprofit General, nonprofit sustainability, social issues
How Nonprofit Organizations are Surviving Post Covid-19
The coronavirus pandemic has presented nonprofit organizations with new and unexpected challenges. To address these challenges, several sectors have redesigned their operations and concentrated their efforts on education and safe pandemic awareness.
They've discovered new ways to dispel myths, validate facts, and disseminate them to other organizations and individuals in a variety of ways. Several organizations that had already implemented case management software were able to continue working remotely while avoiding infection risk.
The significance of non-profit's efforts in the lives of so many people cannot be overstated. People from different cultural and social backgrounds take advantage of such non-profit organization services in completely diverse ways.
However, how does case management software help society? We respond by examining the significance of human services software in relation to the nonprofit organizations that choose to use this specialized software.
Topics: FAMCare, Nonprofit General, case management software, human services software
In the normal course of business, this blog researches and reports the issues that are having an impact on the world of social services. However, when journalists at large are out in front on important stories we are eager to share their work here in our blog space. Today, we would like to summarize the reporting of New York Times journalists Michael Kimmelman and Lucy Tompkins on the life changing work in support of the homeless going on in the city of Houston.
Topics: Homeless & Food Pantry, social justice
During the COVID-19 crisis, almost 9.6 million Americans lost their jobs. Searching for the right job is difficult, with continuous rejection and unpleasant interviews. Job-search stress has been connected to mental health problems like depression and anxiety. Fortunately, non-profit organizations are working to open new doors for unemployed people to help them find a job. Nonprofits that specialize in workforce development provide job seekers with the resources and training they require to find work and succeed. A startling number of individuals are now receiving assistance from nonprofits that focus on workforce development.
Let's explore how unemployment contributes to mental health concerns and how nonprofits assist job seekers in finding the right job.
Topics: Nonprofit General, mental health, workforce development, Covid-19/Pandemic
What is The Importance of Information Security for Nonprofits
It is impossible to overestimate the significance of information security in non-profit organizations. Businesses must take the necessary precautions to secure their sensitive data against unauthorized access and security breaches.
Nonprofits require secure case management software and a trustworthy social workspace in which they can store their relevant data, as well as the data acquired from the clients they help.
Here are a few pointers on the importance of information security for nonprofits.
Topics: Technology Speak, Secure Case Management, cyber security
Most people think social workers are like high school friends that are willing to help in any way they can. They are willing to listen to your problems then try to think up some way to help you out. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Topics: social workers, what social workers do
What Are the Mental Health Consequences of Foster Care?
Foster children face numerous difficulties. The overwhelming thought of removing them from their homes is stressful, but for many young people entering the social security system, this is only the beginning.
As a result of the violence, many children have been forced to flee their homes. Most are forced to adjust to constantly changing settings because they are moved from one home to another.
Staying in a foster care facility is difficult in any situation and can have serious consequences for a child's behavioral and mental health. To promote foster children's safety and mental health, it is critical to understand what they face on a daily basis and the dangers they face.
Topics: Foster Care, Family and Child Welfare
Many who pursue social work careers are naturally compassionate with a high degree of empathy and an even higher work ethic. These are attributes that lend themselves well to working with clients and colleagues but make the need for awareness of possible burnout critical. From poverty and homelessness to mental illness and substance abuse, social workers serve our world’s most vulnerable populations but too often forget they’re vulnerable too.
Topics: social workers, social issues
4 Elements of Successful Re-entry Programs for Inmates
As you proceed to discuss the major elements of effective inmate re-entry as part of the greater transitional justice system, it is necessary to recognize why society must conceive and respect inmates as Individuals, not simply prisoners.
Society and social services must begin to treat inmates as individuals from the outset of their sentence... Beginning Early!
Topics: criminal justice, social justice, Adult Re-Entry