If you are a social service organization seeking to make a long-term impact, look for people who genuinely care about your cause. If you want the best long-term results for your non-profit, your main contributors should be committed in the long run.
It's unlikely that you'll come across someone who makes a significant contribution and then vanishes. This is because they care about your cause and want to see how they can make a difference through your organization.
Some of the difficult processes involved in capturing contributors' attention and developing a lasting connection with them are discussed in this blog.
Let's dive in!
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Fundraising Ideas,
nonprofit funding
We recently interviewed a retired social worker who spent her entire 30-year career working with addicts and alcoholics in residential treatment centers. We were seeking insight into the drug and alcohol abuse epidemic that seems to be getting worse every year. The insights she shared rang with understanding, empathy, and a double dose of common sense.
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mental health,
what social workers do,
social issues
For high-quality case management systems, innovative thinking that promotes data-driven decisions at all organizational levels is required. A standard system that appears to be perfect from the outside may be unable to collect the data needed to support your specific cause or model of care. As a result, any organization that wishes to become more supportive and meaningful of the overall operations of human services should seek out the platform that best serves their cause. Here are some of the components of effective case management software.
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case management software,
social services software,
human services software
You've probably noticed that there are many software alternatives available online if you manage client information for NGOs or human services organizations. If you don't know exactly what you're looking for, your software search will be extremely difficult.
Let's look at human service case management and it's relationship with technology created for that industry.
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case management software,
human services software
Immigration is again a polarizing political debate with forgotten human beings caught in the middle. It doesn't matter which side of the debate you're on, the fact remains there are approximately 2 million undocumented immigrants younger than 24 existing in limbo in the United States. This largely innocent population is made more vulnerable by a divisive debate that intensifies the risk of deportation and reduces access to resources and support. Social workers consider it their principled responsibility to support the vulnerable at all levels in society, so parties on either side of the so-called “open borders” debate leave it to social workers to do what they can to help the people caught in the middle.
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what social workers do,
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in demand for the online first strategy, which also applies to charities. Online fundraising is no longer an option for non-profit organizations; it is required to ensure future fundraising growth. The evolution of digital fundraising is one of the developments in the non-profit sector.
Here are some tips to help non profit leadership to master digital fundraising.
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Fundraising Ideas,
nonprofit funding
This infographic provides an overview of senior services case management. Individuals need more protection as they age, from the environment, from medical issues, from those who would take advantage of them, and, in some cases, from themselves. Senior services case management involves assessing the environmental, social, and medical services that are required, as well as providing up-to-date information on how those needs may change.
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Elderly/Aging Long Term Care,
case management software
If you work in human services, you may occasionally feel overburdened. Work processes that are time-consuming and intensive, as well as manual procedures for gathering, retrieving, and distributing information, result in inefficient use of a caseworker's time.
Fortunately, technological advancements allow you to make your casework operation easier and more efficient. Let's look at how case management software can help caseworkers manage their caseloads more efficiently and effectively.
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Technology Speak,
case load
The COVID pandemic turbo-boosted nonprofits from the analog world into the digital universe. It is true that prior to the pandemic nonprofits were already transitioning from analog to more digital donor interactions, fundraising events, and cyber communication with a whole new segment of partners and small contributors. COVID-19, however, shut down nonprofit office communities, paused large fund-raising galas, and isolated the donor community at large from day-to-day interactions at the nonprofit board-level. Digital communication and cyber interaction were quickly called upon to fill the void.
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Technology Speak,
nonprofit software solutions,
nonprofit funding,
nonprofit management
Our society is built on a variety of complex processes that allow us to access the services we require on a daily basis. The current technological growth trend is primarily focused on accelerating and streamlining business operations.
Although human service nonprofits and government agencies cannot control every aspect of a case, they do have control over how cases are handled and clients are treated. Consider some of the ways case management software can assist clients.
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case management software,
social services software,
human services software