The Pew Research Center has found that 20% of the U.S. public—and 34% of adults under 30—are religiously unaffiliated. These are the highest percentages ever recorded. 34% of those considered younger Millennials (born 1990–1994) reported no religious affiliation, compared to Generation Xers (born 1965–1980), with 21% reporting to be religiously unaffiliated.
What is SBNR & How Does it Challenge Social Workers?
Topics: mental health, human services, social services, social workers
Using Case Management Software To Create Better Caseworker Collaboration
A caseworker’s job consists of many facets: assessing client needs, home visits, evaluations, reporting, listening to concerns, problem solving, providing referrals and the list goes on. While wanting to collaborate with coworkers and the community on projects is always the goal, the ability to do so can often be hindered by a caseworker’s workload. Fortunately, with the right case management software in place, increased collaboration can be possible.
Topics: Secure Case Management, case management workflow, case management software, caseworkers, human services, case load, social services software, cyber security
In this new dystopian world of negative and divisive political discourse, we find it refreshing to seek out and report on the positive, uniting energy of the mission-centric nonprofit “other-world” we inhabit with our colleagues across the country.
Topics: Nonprofit General, nonprofit sustainability, human services
A Wake-up Call for the Coming Home Health Care Crisis
The San Francisco board of supervisors recently introduced a budget measure that would raise the minimum wage for nonprofit and in-home supportive service workers from $15/hour to $17/hour. When challenged, the board justified the $13 million added annual expense to the city budget by citing the crisis the home healthcare field is experiencing in San Francisco. It is bleeding workers daily.
Topics: Government, Elderly/Aging Long Term Care, Nonprofit General, nonprofit mission, nonprofit sustainability, human services, healthcare
Organizations, Institutions and Nonprofit Self Preservation
All governmental organizations and NGOs are founded by well-meaning actors with good intentions. However, corruption inevitably sets in as the “good intentions” are gradually eclipsed by the inevitable organizational impulse to survive and self-perpetuate. Institutions, like organisms, seek survival for themselves and their descendants. They survive, reproduce, replace, predate, evolve, alter, consume and grow. And when a sufficient number of institutions coexist, they function like an ecosystem.
Topics: Nonprofit General, nonprofit mission, nonprofit sustainability
How Case Manager Stress Relief Prevents Burnout by Lessening Exhaustion Factors
This is the third in our series on case manager stress relief. In the first post we discussed the physical things you can do daily to relieve stress. The second post focused on ways to find mental stress relief. Today, we look at how to prevent burnout by identifying and lessening exhaustion factors.
Topics: Social Services Industry News, case load, Self Care in Social Work
Achieve your mission with nonprofit software solutions that help manage relationships
We’ve already discussed how nonprofit software solutions make it possible for your organization to focus more of its time on the mission, but we’d like to take it a step further. Not only can the right software solution provide an organization with more time to focus on the mission, it can also help you manage relationships better.
Topics: case management workflow, case management software, nonprofit software solutions, caseworkers
Safeguarding your clients’ privacy is something that must be taken seriously, regardless of your industry. Ensuring your caseworkers receive the proper Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance training is necessary not only to protect the clients, but to protect your organization.
Topics: FAMCare Tips and Tools, Secure Case Management, case management software, HIPAA Compliant, caseworkers
Last week we reported on the Ford Foundation’s $1 billion, five-year, Build program’s ongoing investment in the long-term capacity and sustainability of up to 300 social justice nonprofits. The Ford Foundation recognized that the popular donor trend of restricting funding to specific programs without accounting for infrastructure expenses was leading to a “nonprofit starvation cycle”, where charities cease to function because they can’t pay for overhead costs, such as administrative employees, computers and electric bills.
Topics: nonprofit mission, nonprofit sustainability, nonprofit funding
Economic Imbalance: Social Worker's Salary vs. Burdensome Student Debt
In the past twenty years, student debt has become a major social and political issue in our country. As government guaranteed student loans became more widely available, colleges began to raise their tuition rates to keep pace with the expansion boom that ready government financing created. More students required more professors and facilities to accommodate their needs, and colleges needed more money to pay for the growth. The result, of course, is that students borrowed more and more money to pay inflated tuition and fees and subsequently became burdened with overwhelming debt.
Topics: Social Services Industry News, Government, Nonprofit General, education, social justice