The COVID economic downturn has nonprofit management shifting into emergency mode. “Putting on the brakes” would be an understatement. Nonprofit sustainability, or the ability to continue delivering relevant social impact over the long term, has always been important to nonprofit leaders. But as the spread of COVID-19 causes upheaval in just about every aspect of society and highlights the deep social inequities many nonprofits are working to address sustainability is becoming even more of a top priority.
Topics: Nonprofit General, grants, Covid-19/Pandemic
With 88% of 15,400 Medicare and Medicaid-eligible nursing homes reporting as of May 31, Medicare officials rolled out a federal database showing that the nation's nursing homes had 95,515 confirmed COVID-19 cases, 58,288 suspected cases, and more than 31,782 deaths among residents and staff. The Kaiser Family Foundation quickly amended the government’s admittedly incomplete statistics reporting more than 43,000 deaths, over a third of the nation’s known coronavirus deaths.
Topics: Elderly/Aging Long Term Care, healthcare, Covid-19/Pandemic
Rite of Passage: A Family-focused Approach to Case Management
When shopping for case management software services, most believe it is critical to find a product that is both fully customizable and accessible. However, this was not exactly the case for Matthew Gosting, Information Technology Director with Rite of Passage, an organization dedicated to improving the lives of vulnerable youth through 40 plus programs spanning 15 plus states.
Topics: Case Studies
On June 6, 2020, there were 378,024 cases and 24,259 coronavirus-related deaths in New York State. Though Governor Cuomo reported these numbers are declining dramatically, he also called for continued vigilance as the state focuses on reopening. Contact tracing has become the keyword for relaxing limitations on public gatherings and opening up the state’s economy. The governor has said success will mean hiring an “army of tracers”, and 17,000 people will be hired.
Topics: social workers, Covid-19/Pandemic
As the corona virus pandemic descended over the world, everything changed for nonprofits. Suddenly many of the smaller organizations are fighting for survival. We contacted a retired professor from the Harvard Business School who has spent a lifetime researching nonprofit management to ask for his suggestions on nonprofit crisis management.
Topics: nonprofit mission, nonprofit sustainability, nonprofit funding, Covid-19/Pandemic
Case workers who will not abandon their clients die along with them in the nation’s hospitals. Even though advised to go home by medical professionals, these dedicated social workers didn’t leave when the pandemic broke out.
Topics: social workers, Covid-19/Pandemic
“Shelter in place. Stay at home. Self-isolation. Quarantine. Important measures for slowing and overcoming the spread of COVID-19. But for survivors living with violence, abuse, and assault, these terms mean something else: trapped.” (NPQ, May 8, 2020, Drew Adams)
Topics: Foster Care
The question of why the virus has overwhelmed some places and left others relatively untouched is a puzzle that has spawned numerous theories and speculations but no definitive answers. That knowledge, however, could have profound implications for how states, counties, and municipalities respond to the virus, for determining who is at risk and for knowing when it’s safe to go out again.
Topics: healthcare, Covid-19/Pandemic
Lessons from Wuhan-The Social Worker's Role in Pandemic Response
Case workers in the US have been refining their role in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic by taking inspiration from the pivotal role their Chinese colleagues played in controlling the rate of infection in Wuhan.
Topics: what social workers do, Covid-19/Pandemic
For more than 100 years American nonprofits have provided the social safety net that catches the most vulnerable before they slip beyond hope. However, although our American nonprofit infrastructure is vast and intricate, it is not invulnerable.
Topics: healthcare, Covid-19/Pandemic