At least 7,300 people living in long-term care have died in the COVID-19 outbreak, a survey of state records by ABC News found. The actual count is very likely far higher, advocates for seniors believe, in part because the available data only covers 19 states where governors' offices and state departments of health have kept track. Other states do not yet report this data and did not reply to requests for this information.
Topics: healthcare, Covid-19/Pandemic
We are suddenly sailing in uncharted waters. A deadly viral pandemic has infected the entire world. So many people are in distress. They need so much help. Nonprofits, as they always do, are responding. But in these troubled times, the nonprofits themselves will need help.
Overwhelmed by your client’s need, it’s possible to neglect your own vulnerability.
Topics: Nonprofit General, Covid-19/Pandemic
Dear Client,
Global Vision Technologies (GVT) will be conducting an update to Visions Server - the platform behind the FAMCare and/or ClinicalPURSUIT systems on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 - between the hours of 6pm and 3am EDT.
Topics: Software Upgrade Notices
Prior to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic our political climate was spewing constant conflict, divisive quarreling, insensitive bickering, and displaying an empathy deficit unparalleled in modern history. Whole nations were in conflict as we initiated a tariff war with China, Britain turned its back on the European Union, Russia continued to threaten the Ukraine and U.S. politicians began erecting a wall between us and Mexico, our closest neighbor.
Topics: what social workers do, Covid-19/Pandemic
The Corona Virus pandemic has swooped down on the human race like a tornado onto a small Midwestern trailer park. Its impact has been sudden, uncontrollable, devastating, life-changing, and fear inducing. The entire human race has reacted.
Topics: Covid-19/Pandemic
Today, we all work in silos with our heads down and our noses to the grindstone. This self-imposed isolation adds to the burn out rate in social services. This blog hopes to offer you a refreshing break from the intensity of your service – “Think of reading this blog as a refreshing “glance around the room” looking for inspiration and encouragement from your colleagues who, like you, have dedicated their lives to the service of society’s most vulnerable.”
Topics: Juvenile Justice
Microsoft has officially ended the support of Internet Explorer Version 10 as of February 11, 2020. Though it will continue supporting Internet Explorer Version 11 for a while, Microsoft is encouraging its users to transition to Edge as soon as possible. While the actual FAMCare and ClinicalPURSUIT products continue to run well in Internet Explorer, some third party add-ons are starting to drop support, and this includes our Help Desk link. If you use Internet Explorer for FAMCare, you will not be able to connect directly to the help desk unless you logout and login with a different browser.
Topics: Global Vision Technologies
Each year Social Work Today asks its readers to nominate their top-ten colleagues for outstanding service in the field. I like to publish the list here on our blog as a form of recognition and congratulations. However, what caught my eye this year was the element of a “calling” in each of their stories. To these successful case workers, social work is so much more than a job.
The Art of Simplicity: Empowering Your Mission Statement
Many years ago (2008), I read an article in the summer edition of the Nonprofit Quarterly by Christopher Finney about what makes a great mission statement. Permit me to share excerpts of this incisive article.
According to the National Eating Disorder Association, up to 30 million people in the U.S. suffer from an eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorder. Worldwide the figure is more like 70 million sufferers!