How did the United States, with 5% of the global population but 25% of its prisoners, become home to the largest prison system in the history of the world? Some say it’s an accomplishment. The U.S. is a law and order country and our criminal justice system is the envy of the world. Others feel quite differently and suggest that the “war on drugs” led to the mass incarceration of two generations of the urban poor.
Topics: Government, criminal justice, social justice, Adult Re-Entry
Tidal Wave: The Aging Baby Boomer Healthcare Crisis Revisited
In our 2015 report, The Aging Tidal Wave, we dealt with the healthcare crisis that was about to overwhelm the long-term care industry. The aging baby-boomer population was growing rapidly while the number of caregivers was actually declining.
Topics: Elderly/Aging Long Term Care, Nonprofit General, nonprofit funding, healthcare
Visions Server Platform Update Announcement August 2019
Dear Client,
Global Vision Technologies (GVT) will be conducting an update to Visions Server - the platform behind the FAMCare and/or ClinicalPURSUIT systems on Tuesday, August 27, 2019 - between the hours of 6pm and 3am EDT.
Topics: Software Upgrade Notices
Ways Caseworkers Improve Care with Social Services Software
The things you do as a caseworker can have a great impact on the lives of those in your care. You are both the lead investigator and client advocate. You recommend what social services would best fit their needs. You give support and referrals, then follow up on each client’s progress. It is a demanding, but rewarding job. You're helping people improve their situations and create a better life in the long run.
Topics: case management workflow, HIPAA Compliant, caseworkers, social services software, social services, social workers
My research analyst asked me a simple question the other day that led to some amazing revelations about the nonprofit world, “What is the largest nonprofit in the world?”
Topics: Nonprofit General, nonprofit mission
When the draft ended in 1973, women represented just 2% of the enlisted forces and 8% of the officer corps. Today, those numbers are 16% and 18% respectively, a significant increase. Historically, the Air Force has had the highest percentage of enlisted and officer women, however, by 2016 the Navy had nearly caught up. In both services, approximately one-in-five enlisted members and officers are women. The military offers many opportunities for women such as good pay, excellent benefits and career advancement, but there are also significant challenges.
Topics: Social Services Industry News, Veterans Issues, mental health
Nobody understands your stress and how to deal with it better than those in the trenches with you. In previous blogs we have shared ideas on both physical and mental ways to create some level of case manager stress relief. But for today’s post, we talked to case managers and mental health professionals who deal with the stress of the job every day and asked them to share the best ways they find stress relief.
Topics: case management workflow, case management software, Self Care in Social Work
Increasingly, nonprofits face growing competition from their for-profit counterparts. These for-profit companies can often deliver services at a lower cost or offer higher financial returns to cities, thanks to their capacity and ability to raise investment capital as business entities. This leaves the non-profit social infrastructure in communities at a competitive disadvantage and requires a more thoughtful approach to determining the value of contract bids beyond simply financial criteria.
Topics: Nonprofit General, nonprofit mission, nonprofit sustainability, nonprofit funding
Good Case Management Software Helps Keep Clients from Slipping Through the Cracks.
You have good caseworkers who are committed to their clients. They work long hours and go above and beyond to make sure everyone is getting the help they need. Yet, it’s still too easy for someone to slip through the cracks if you’re using an antiquated or old school record system. Or if the caseworker is overwhelmed with too much to do and too little time to do it. Using the right case management software can alleviate some of these issues and help make sure nobody falls through the cracks.
Topics: FAMCare, case management workflow, case management software, caseworkers, case load, social workers
Create Efficient Collaboration with the Right Government Software Solutions
We are in an unprecedented stretch of strong economic conditions where there are more jobs than job applicants. Yet, there are still many children and families who are suffering and in need of government agency help. So many, in fact, that human services caseworkers often still feel overwhelmed by heavy caseloads and the accompanying paperwork.
Topics: Government, Case Studies, case management workflow, case management software, human services, social services software, social services, human services software