New Features in FAMCare's Covid-19 Tracking Tools

Posted by Kim Hickman on Oct 20, 2021 9:30:00 AM

We listen to our clients about what they need from their Case Management Software!  These needs drive us to make improvements and develop solutions that just make sense.  Since we introduced our Covid-19 forms and tools last year, the landscape surrounding this pandemic has changed, our client's needs have changed.  Our FAMCare development team listened!  They developed solutions that help our clients manage the changing environment effectively. 

Enjoy watching this short video overview of FAMCare's COVID-19 Tracking, Mapping and Reporting Tools.

Human Services Case Management Software

To view additional information about our COVID-19 Data Tracking, Mapping and Reporting Tools click here

FAMCare is proud to provide timely updates when our clients need them most. We look forward to supporting all your business' needs during this challenging time and are also currently offering a FREE Emergency Preparedness Guide & Checklist.  

What you'll find inside:

  • The 7 Critical Things to Consider About Emergencies and Disasters – When They Occur and What to Do (page 3)
  • Discover What the Social Work Policy Institute Has to say About Emergency Preparedness and Why it Absolutely Essential You Take Planning Seriously
    for Emergency Preparedness ChecklistYour and Your Patients or Clients (page 4)
  • The 8 Questions Every Caseworker or Home Health Worker Needs to Ask Before ANY Plan is Created… (page 7)
  • The 9 Essential Items That Must Go into Any Emergency Preparedness Kit… (page 11)
  • As a Mobile Case Manager – The Things You Should Always Have in Your Car… (page 9)
  • The 3 Emergency Preparedness Checklists That Make Up Your Plan… (page 6)
  • How to Find the Types of Emergencies You Should Focus on in Your Area… (page 5)



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