Nearly 500,000 people died from opioid overdoses from 1999-2019. This epidemic of opioid overdose deaths can be outlined in three distinct waves.
- The first wave began with increased prescribing of opioids in the 1990s, with overdose deaths involving prescription opioids (natural and semi-synthetic opioids and methadone) increasing since at least 1999.
- The second wave began in 2010, with rapid increases in overdose deaths involving heroin.
- The third wave began in 2013, with significant increases in overdose deaths involving synthetic opioids, particularly those involving illicitly manufactured fentanyl. More than 14,000 deaths involving illicitly manufactured synthetics occurred in 2019, which is equivalent to about 38 deaths per day.
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mental health,
social workers,

This infographic simply details how you can use Case Management Software to help your agency optimize their case load. We understand that your agency's success is tied to your ability to integrate best practices in everyday caseworker activities. Casework isn't simple, but it can be easier, more efficient, therefore increasing your team’s productivity. This allows them to spend more time on what really matters, the client’s that they serve!
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case management software,
social services software,
human services software
This short training video puts the spotlight on several features of FAMCare's Internal Communications Module. We understand our clients in the human service field need a simple yet powerful communication system. Our messaging and email tools offer both simplicity and superior functionality to our users.
Enjoy watching this overview of the messaging and emailing tools. As always if you need any additional information, please don't hesitate to reach out with your questions.
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FAMCare Tips and Tools,
FAMCare Videos
The history of social work is replete with religious organizations that were the early founders of social work and prayed for, with, and over clients as a matter of course. However, as secular and governmental social service agencies assumed a greater share of society’s burden of need issues of religious freedom and separation of church and state began to crop up.
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Social Services Industry News,
social workers,
what social workers do
Only because it is GVT’s business to provide technology services to the world of social services have we hesitated in the past to promote the central role that technology plays in the delivery of services to the vulnerable populations social workers serve. It has always felt a little too self-serving.
However, in the past fifteen years, technology has evolved from being one of the tools social workers use to what can only be described as the “heart of the matter”.
A surgeon and his scalpel are more than a doctor holding an instrument. They are a functional unit that can only perform their work in unison.
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Social Services Industry News,
Technology Speak,
case management software
Today's blog is written by guest blogger, Beverly Nelson, from Stand Up for Caregivers! We truly appreciate her for sharing these helpful insights.
We all have rough periods in life. For seniors, however, slumps can be significantly harder to get out of, especially if they don’t have family around to offer support. Fortunately, friends, neighbors, and other community members have the power to make a difference for a senior feeling down.
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Social Services Industry News,
Elderly/Aging Long Term Care
Dear Client,
Global Vision Technologies (GVT) will be conducting an update to Visions Server - the platform behind the FAMCare and/or ClinicalPURSUIT systems on Tuesday, November 16, 2021 - between the hours of 6pm and 3am EDT.
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Software Upgrade Notices
12 Step peer support programs are based on the idea, originally formed by the AA movement in the late 1930s, that addiction is a progressive, incurable disease lessened only by undergoing spiritual transformation and abstaining from alcohol or any addictive substance or behavior (e.g., Narconon - Gamblers Anonymous).
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Social Services Industry News,
mental health
We listen to our clients about what they need from their Case Management Software! These needs drive us to make improvements and develop solutions that just make sense. Since we introduced our Covid-19 forms and tools last year, the landscape surrounding this pandemic has changed, our client's needs have changed. Our FAMCare development team listened! They developed solutions that help our clients manage the changing environment effectively.
Enjoy watching this short video overview of FAMCare's COVID-19 Tracking, Mapping and Reporting Tools.
To view additional information about our COVID-19 Data Tracking, Mapping and Reporting Tools click here.
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How Clients Use FAMCare,
FAMCare Videos
PTSD is a disorder in which a person has difficulty recovering after experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event. The condition may last months or years, with triggers that can bring back memories of the trauma accompanied by intense emotional and physical reactions.
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Veterans Issues,
mental health,
what social workers do