The COVID-19 pandemic has caused social workers to take a closer look at their ingrained prejudices when dealing with the aged. Robert N. Butler coined the term “ageism" in 1969 to describe attitudes, practices, and policies that discriminate against older people. Ageism occurs when people face stereotypes, prejudice, or discrimination because of their age. The assumption that all older people are frail and helpless is a common, incorrect stereotype. Prejudice can consist of feelings such as “older people are unpleasant and difficult to deal with.” Discrimination is evident when older adults’ needs aren’t recognized and respected or when they’re treated less favorably than younger people. Social workers who work with the elderly are realizing that even in their minds age is “a category of difference” like race and gender, but unlike race and gender, age positions older adults as a homogenous group with similar needs.
BENEVOLENT AGEISM...They Treat Me Like I’m Old and Stupid
Topics: Elderly/Aging Long Term Care, social issues, Covid-19/Pandemic
In Their Own Words Social Workers Reflect on the Pandemic's Fatal Blow
(Excerpted from an article by Paul Moakley in Time Magazine, "Deaths Amoung America's Homeless Are Soaring in the Pandemic. A Photographer Captures a Community In Crisis")
Topics: Homeless & Food Pantry, mental health, social issues, Covid-19/Pandemic
Our world has become increasingly digitized, and this digital evolution didn’t just happen out of the blue. The digital revolution came about because we needed it. This stands true for almost all industries and organizations across the board, including social work.
Social work is one the most demanding fields, and in places like the US, where there is already a shortage of caseworkers, it’s crucial to bridge the gap between demand and supply using technology.
So, if you work for a government or human services organization, social services software is a must.
Here are a few benefits to consider…
Topics: Technology Speak, case management software, social services software
Must-Have Traits to Adopt to Become a Successful Caseworker
Casework can be very demanding at times. It’s also a broad profession in terms of the situations and expectations that social workers come across.
Despite it being a challenging field, it’s also one of the fasting growing ones here in the US. This is mainly due to the high demand for caseworkers globally to counter a growing shortage, especially here in the US.
And while social services case management software can help manage the caseload to a certain extent, caseworkers need certain traits also.
Topics: Technology Speak, caseworkers, social workers, what social workers do
Football fans see this message on the back of the Buffalo Bills' helmets
"On Saturday, January 15th, a gunman entered Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, TX, and held hostages for much of the day. We are grateful that all four hostages made it out safely, and thankful for law enforcement, first responders, and the security training that our partner Secure Community Network provided to this community. The horrifying attack on the Colleyville synagogue was a continuation of a troubling and unacceptable trend of attacks on Jewish houses of worship and individuals who are visibly Jewish." (The Jewish Federations of North America)
Topics: social justice
3 of the Best Tips and Practices to Keep Nonprofit Data Secure
Keeping data secure is a top priority for non-profits and there are several reasons for this.
Non-profits are usually associated with various donors, and the relationship a non-profit has with them is a sensitive one. Protecting their personal information therefore is a priority for any organization.
Additionally, and most important, many non-profits in the human services field handle adults and juveniles in very vulnerable situations. Therefore, their personal information getting compromised or stolen is simply not acceptable. A breach of data would directly contradict the primary purpose of the non-profit, which is to protect the vulnerable.
Here are a few simple ways non-profits can secure their data.
Topics: Secure Case Management, case management software, nonprofit software solutions, HIPAA Compliant, social services software
Can Digital Case Management Systems Help Nonprofits Improve Efficiency?
Nonprofit organizations are often chaotic spaces with a plethora of operations and programs underway. There are huge caseloads to deal with, events to organize, and heaps of paperwork to get through. These are just typical days and yes, sometimes, it gets worse.
Topics: case management software, nonprofit software solutions
In his new book, Effective Fundraising, Harvard Business School professor emeritus, F. Warren Mcfarlan, identifies the board of trustees as nonprofit's core fundraising asset. The book outlines the broad range of roles trustees can play in contributing to the crucial function of fundraising. While some rare souls are enthusiastic about directly soliciting gifts, Professor Mcfarlan says, others may be more effective at expanding networks, making introductions, lending credibility, or providing the coaching and context that contribute to a successful "close".
Topics: Nonprofit General, nonprofit sustainability, nonprofit funding
Casework can be very rewarding. So naturally, as you study hard and get through tough exams and finally get to practice—you’re going to be pretty excited. And you should be because you’ll be making a real difference in people’s lives and helping them turn things around on a daily basis.
But you’ll soon find out that social work is one of the toughest jobs out there. Not only because there are real people and emotions involved, but also because it’s demanding work.
From long working hours to massive caseloads, here are a few ways to manage your early years as a caseworker.
Topics: caseworkers, what social workers do
3 Must-Have Features in Your Case Management Software
In today’s current environment, case management software has become a need, not a want for any human service organization. The pandemic has put an unprecedented amount of stress on these organizations. Not only has it increased the number of cases, but it has shed light on the need for new flexibility in the workforce. All during a time when America’s caseworker shortage remains unaddressed.
Case management software can help streamline work for your agency, allowing you to serve more clients and cases than before. And luckily, there are several options out there. However, it's crucial to choose a software solution that is not only efficient but can also protect your data and cater to your organization's changing needs.
Here are a few features to look out for.