4 Different Ways NGO's Help Veterans

Posted by GVT Admin on Mar 17, 2022 7:00:00 AM

silhouette of soldier There are currently over 17 million veterans in the US. Furthermore, far too many veterans in the United States are homeless. Veterans account for nearly one-fifth of all homeless people in the United States. Many NGOs, non-governmental organizations, and not-for-profit organizations have made a commitment to serving veterans. This includes assisting them with financial, physical, and emotional requirements.

Here are some ways NGOs assist the many homeless veterans in the United States.

Enhance Their Quality of Life

NGOs improve the quality of life for all veterans by offering them career transition programs, education programs, counseling of various types, and assistance in reconnecting with the community.

Military families should participate in community building and connect with other civilians as they adjust to civilian life. This helps military families improve their lives by giving them the opportunity to reconnect with the community.

PTSD Counseling

PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder, occurs when individuals experience traumatic events in their life. When veterans experience combat, violence, terrorism, or sexual trauma while serving in the military, they are more likely to develop PTSD.

Veterans suffering from PTSD can benefit from mental health counseling provided by NGO agencies. Therapy and counseling can be extremely beneficial to those suffering from PTSD. Support groups are another way for veterans to share their trauma with one another and be open about it so that it can be processed.

Assistance with FinancesNGO helping veteran

NGOs can assist homeless veterans in regaining control of their lives by providing financial assistance. The various ways they help veterans to rebuild their life, is by providing housing assistance, career training, or financial assistance.  

Healthcare Facilities

All homeless people, not just veterans, should have access to healthcare. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) often assist veterans by providing them with the necessary healthcare facilities. Physical, recreational, and mental therapy can also be provided.

Recreational therapy will involve veterans participating in activities together in order to connect with others, rebuild their lives, and engage in physical activities.

Recommended Readings:

PTSD...Treatment Is at Hand 

Female Veterans...A Unique Population 

What Happened to the VA? 

Topics: Veterans Issues

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