The country’s psyche has put the pandemic aside. Even with the virus still circulating Americans have put away their masks and come out to play. This ability to quickly recover from even the most devastating traumas marks the American character. We’re always ready to move on to new business.
Topics: Nonprofit General, what social workers do, Covid-19/Pandemic
How Case Management Tools Can Help You Become a Better Caseworker
In the US, there are more than 700,000 caseworkers, according to data from 2020. If you're a member of this sizable workforce, you are well aware of the difficulties faced by those who work in the nation's human services.
It's never been more challenging to serve the people with a big number of individuals in need of your help, a growing workload, and a slow rate of growth among new employees. As a result, many caseworkers today who work in the fields of child welfare, juvenile justice, mental health care, and senior care are finding that technology can help them improve their operations.
Topics: case management software, caseworkers
According to estimates, the United States has over 680,000 social workers affiliated with various non-profit organizations. Social workers play an important role in the American social fabric, from juvenile justice to veteran services, senior services, and child welfare.
However, in their pursuit of doing good for humanity, social workers occasionally make mistakes that add to their workload and stress. So, if you're a new caseworker about to embark on your journey, this article is for you.
Continue reading to learn about the five rookie mistakes that caseworkers make that can add stress and make their jobs more difficult.
Topics: caseworkers, social workers
The United States has over 1.5 million non-profit organizations and a vast human services network. From child and family services to juvenile justice, veteran services, senior services, and mental health services, the United States has a plethora of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) dedicated to the betterment of humanity.
In recent years, as more caseworkers used technology to better serve their communities, digitization has grown in popularity among non-profits. If your NGO has yet to implement digital tools, read on to learn about the benefits of digitizing your operations.
Since the 1900s, U.S. public schools have employed a growing number of school resource officers (SROs) – sworn law enforcement officials. In 1975, only 1% of schools reported having police officers on site, but by 2018, approximately 58% of schools had at least one sworn law enforcement official present during the school week. Since 1998, the federal government has invested over $1 billion to explicitly increase police presence in schools, and over $14 billion to advance community policing, which can include SROs.
Topics: education, criminal justice, social issues
Case Manager Stress Relief For Social Worker Performance Anxiety
Performance anxiety can often add to the high stress experienced by social work case managers. After all, social worker performance isn’t about how many widgets you make or how much profit you brought to the bottom line. It’s about helping real people deal with real life problems. If your performance is lacking, it could mess up someone’s life or even end it. That's the mindset that leads to social worker performance anxiety.
Homeless Youth Have a Higher Risk of Mental Health Disorders
An estimated 4.2 million teenagers and young adults are homeless each year. Children who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless have higher rates of mental health problems such as behavioral issues, anxiety, and depression than children who live in unstable households.
The importance of mental health in programs for homeless young people cannot be overstated. Furthermore, most people's willingness to seek therapy is limited by a lack of access to mental health care. For organizations and services that work with at-risk youth, emphasizing mental health is critical to long-term sustainability.
Topics: Child Welfare, Homeless & Food Pantry, mental health
10 Tips for Quick Case Manager Stress Relief [Infographic]
We understand that being a case manager can be extremely stressful. There is never enough time, money, or resources to complete all of your goals. And the work that you do is critical. People's lives are affected. As a result, our case management software is designed to help alleviate some of the stress in your daily workflow.
Louise, a crusty journey-woman social worker had three pairs of glasses hanging from tiny chains around her neck and a sharpened yellow number two pencil plunged into her beehive hairdo. How unlikely that this woman would teach us how to use humor in social work.
Topics: social workers, Self Care in Social Work
You Can Improve Senior Care, with Social Services Software
Our senior population continues to grow, with the aging of the baby boomers. And with the glut of older citizens comes a glut of issues that elder care workers must deal with. There are health issues – both physical and mental. Muscles and bones get weaker, senses start to fail – hearing, eyesight, even touch, taste and smell, in some cases. And then there’s the loss of mental facilities. About 10% of people over 65 suffer from some form of dementia and it goes up to 32% for those over 85.
Topics: Elderly/Aging Long Term Care, case management workflow, social services software