Safeguarding your clients’ privacy is something that must be taken seriously, regardless of your industry. Ensuring your caseworkers receive the proper Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance training is necessary not only to protect the clients, but to protect your organization.
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Topics: FAMCare Tips and Tools, Secure Case Management, case management software, HIPAA Compliant, caseworkers
Last week we reported on the Ford Foundation’s $1 billion, five-year, Build program’s ongoing investment in the long-term capacity and sustainability of up to 300 social justice nonprofits. The Ford Foundation recognized that the popular donor trend of restricting funding to specific programs without accounting for infrastructure expenses was leading to a “nonprofit starvation cycle”, where charities cease to function because they can’t pay for overhead costs, such as administrative employees, computers and electric bills.
Topics: nonprofit mission, nonprofit sustainability, nonprofit funding
Economic Imbalance: Social Worker's Salary vs. Burdensome Student Debt
In the past twenty years, student debt has become a major social and political issue in our country. As government guaranteed student loans became more widely available, colleges began to raise their tuition rates to keep pace with the expansion boom that ready government financing created. More students required more professors and facilities to accommodate their needs, and colleges needed more money to pay for the growth. The result, of course, is that students borrowed more and more money to pay inflated tuition and fees and subsequently became burdened with overwhelming debt.
Topics: Social Services Industry News, Government, Nonprofit General, education, social justice
The Ford Foundation's BUILD Program for Social Justice Nonprofits
The nonprofit world has struggled for years with the distinction donors make between mission dedicated donations (restricted funds) and funds available for overhead and administrative salaries (unrestricted). The dichotomy has grown out of the emerging belief among donors that money spent directly on mission is better spent than money “wasted” on overhead costs and administrative salaries. Studies reveal that donors “feel” better about donations when they are assured that their money has gone directly to mission outcomes.
Topics: Fundraising Ideas, Nonprofit General, nonprofit mission, grants
This is the second in our series on case manager stress relief. In our first post, we talked about the physical things you can do daily to relieve stress. Today we'll talk about the mental ways to find case manager stress relief.
Topics: FAMCare Tips and Tools, mental health, case management software, Self Care in Social Work
How to Evaluate Case Management Software for Your Nonprofit
Deciding on the right case management software for your nonprofit may seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Once you’ve established the right evaluation criteria, finding the right case management software will be a much more straightforward task.
The Hospice movement is a humanitarian, patient-centered protocol that is still striving for complete integration into main stream medical practice. Traditional medical regulations, policies, protocols, and cultural norms are geared toward improving the patient’s health and, at the very least, maintaining current levels of patient functioning. Even the metrics used by skilled nursing facilities to assess the quality of care are not congruent with end-of-life care.
Topics: Elderly/Aging Long Term Care
Research shows that most people currently living with dementia have not received a formal diagnosis. In high income countries, only 20-50% of dementia cases are recognized and documented in primary care. This ‘treatment gap’ is certainly much greater in low and middle-income countries, with one study in India suggesting 90% remain undiagnosed. If these statistics are extrapolated to other countries worldwide, it suggests that approximately three quarters of people with dementia have not received a diagnosis and, therefore, do not have access to treatment, care and organized support that getting a formal diagnosis can provide.
How Nonprofit Software Solutions Give You More Time to Focus on Mission
Time is always of the essence in the nonprofit world, with many organizations left feeling like there just isn’t enough time in the day to get everything accomplished. Looking for ways to work towards achieving your organization's mission while managing the day-to-day tasks?
Topics: Nonprofit General, case management workflow, nonprofit mission, nonprofit software solutions
We asked social workers who use our domestic violence software to help us understand what is going on with the sudden eruption of the #MeToo movement. Sweeping across the media landscape like wildfire, a tsunami of accusations began with Roger Ailes at Fox and Harvey Weinstein in Hollywood then quickly enveloped such well known T.V. personalities as Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer, Garrison Keilor, and Kevin Spacey. Even the most cynical among us was startled by the sudden collective outcry sent up by the women of Hollywood. What, we asked our colleagues, is going on here?
Topics: mental health, social justice, Victim Services