Hey - Happy Monday!
Focusing Your Message on What Motivates Your Donors
Topics: Fundraising Ideas, Nonprofit General
Years ago I had the urge to physically volunteer for a good cause and it was quite rewarding. Although I don’t physically volunteer there we continue to support their mission.
Topics: Social Services Industry News, Insider, Nonprofit General
This post comes to us from our friends at Movie Monday's. Check it out - it's great fundraising advice!
Topics: Fundraising Ideas, Nonprofit General
Case management is a cross-disciplinary specialty practice based in advocacy seeking to identify the resources people need to achieve physical and mental health. But, is there more?
Topics: Social Services Industry News, FAMCare, Nonprofit General
In this age of social media and all the virtual ways we can connect, it’s still important to make sure and be in front of each other on a regular basis.
In college I studied Speech Communication and one particular story told by the instructor really stuck with me through all of these years. The story starts with the instructor talking about a Rolling Stones concert he attended when he lived in LA. The concert was going to be held at the football stadium and the crowd was unbelievably huge. He had a hard time convincing his new wife to go as she cited the traffic, crowds, late night out when she was going to have to go to work early the next day. After much discussion she finally agreed to attend. To avoid some of the traffic issues they decided to arrive pretty early in the afternoon. The instructor described her demeanor as less than happy to be there. As the crowd started moving in and the stadium getting more active he describes a change in her attitude as well as the crowd. There was an electrical feeling in the air as the sound tests were being done and you could hear the roadies tuning and testing instruments. He describes the growing excitement and that by the time the Stones actually came on the stage she was literally jumping up and down and so glad she was there.
Topics: Insider, Fun Stuff, Nonprofit General
Budgeting Brilliance: Budget Tips For Your Next I.T. Project
IT investments are crucial for any organization, but they cannot succeed without careful budgeting. To avoid common mistakes and place your initiatives on a firm financial foundation, make sure to:
Topics: Fundraising Ideas, FAMCare Tips and Tools, Implementation Plans, Nonpropfit Accounting, How Clients Use FAMCare, Nonprofit General
When the Cancer Charities fraud case broke in 2015, donors began to ask how this kind of egregious fraud could go undetected for 28 years. “Can we depend on the IRS or the FTC or the state attorneys general to keep an eye on the nonprofit sector? Isn’t anyone watching the store?” Even concerned case workers began to wonder how the reaction to this case could have been so painfully slow. Everyone involved in the sector understood immediately that if this kind of doubt is permitted to creep in, nonprofit is in for big trouble.Topics: Social Services Industry News, Government, Nonprofit General
This message comes to us from our friends at Movie Mondays - a video training source for nonprofits on fundraising and board strategies.
Topics: Fundraising Ideas, Fun Stuff, Nonprofit General
Your 2017 Nonprofit Tech Budget - Planning & Preparation Survival Tips
The end of December is a period filled with new opportunities, particularly in terms of nonprofits who are starting to prepare for their 2017 tech budgets. January 1 essentially creates a clean slate - a situation where anything is possible if you put the plans in motion now. If you truly want to prepare properly for your 2017 tech budget, however, there are a few key things you'll want to keep in mind.
Topics: Fundraising Ideas, Technology Speak, Nonprofit General
The commissioned salesman is the world’s oldest profession…well, maybe not the oldest…some other professions lay claim to that title…but it certainly is the most obvious and logical - If you earn a little more for every sale you make, you will be motivated to make more sales.
The For-Profit world has utilized the commission salesman successfully since Egyptian farmers started selling produce around 3100 B.C. Doesn’t it make sense that development professionals, the nonprofit equivalent of salespersons, who essentially sell the mission of an organization, would also respond well to incentives?
This is the question asked by recent research out of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School.
Topics: Fundraising Ideas, Nonprofit General