Nonprofit's Role in Immigration

Posted by GVT Admin on Jul 31, 2024 11:00:00 AM

Nonprofit's Role in Immigration

Long before terrorism in the Middle East and the collapse of duly elected democratic governments in Central and South America sent waves of immigration to the U.S. southern border, nonprofits played a critical role integrating a “once welcome” immigrant population into our society. During this current controversial era, however, nonprofits walk a tightrope across a political divide that threatens to disenfranchise their efforts by interpreting every service impulse as "choosing sides". Nonprofits, with their mission-driven focus and dedication to social welfare, are well-positioned to provide vital services and advocacy for immigrants without regard to any political position.

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Topics: immigration, social issues

How Social Workers See It

Posted by GVT Admin on Apr 24, 2024 10:45:00 AM

Immigrant and refugee rights have long been an issue of critical importance for social workers in the United States. Over 100 years ago, Jane Addams and Edith Abbott established social work as a noble profession while working in settlement houses that served as centers of residence and social services for migrants who had recently arrived in large numbers to work in America. Charitable organizations and religious and ethnic associations have long worked to facilitate the wellbeing and integration of migrants and displaced persons.

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Topics: what social workers do, immigration


Posted by GVT Admin on Aug 18, 2023 10:30:00 AM

Immigration policy has led to endless political debate.

  • What to do with the millions of “illegal” immigrants who “snuck” in, blended into the population, and are hiding in plain sight.
  • How to humanely secure the border and minimize the constant flow of vulnerable people seeking asylum.
  • How to define and identify “refugees”.
  • How to handle the so called “dreamers” who were innocent of any crime but brought here as children by parents desperate to save their lives.
  • How does a country founded by and populated with immigrants craft a humane policy for those who are following them to safety?
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Topics: immigration

Case Management Systems and How They Can Help Immigration Agencies

Posted by GVT Admin on Jun 23, 2023 10:44:39 AM

More than 84 million Americans, or more than 26% of the total population, are immigrants. And with the Ukraine War, the number is anticipated to rise sharply in the years to come as more and more Europeans seek shelter outside of their home countries. 

It is crucial for social services in this industry to utilize technology because of the sizeable and steadily growing American immigrant population. After all, immigration case management systems are made to help case managers manage their caseloads while also enhancing the level of service they can provide to the community. 

Here is everything you need to know if you work with immigrants or want to expand your social service in this area. 

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Topics: immigration

Compassion Without Borders

Posted by GVT Admin on May 10, 2023 10:45:00 AM

“Title 42, the policy that allowed the government to quickly turn away certain migrants at the border during the Covid-19 pandemic, is set to expire. Encounters between US border agents and undocumented immigrants had fallen early this year but have recently increased to around 7,000 per day. That number is expected to rise dramatically this week as border towns in northern Mexico are already bursting with an estimated 36,000 migrants waiting for the end of Title 42.” (CNN, May 8,2023).

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Topics: what social workers do, immigration

The Ethical Dilemma of Illegal Immigration

Posted by GVT Admin on Dec 21, 2022 10:45:00 AM

The social work community must put the political debate aside and confront the moral and ethical questions that illegal immigration imposes on the profession.

The Situation

It is not our job or responsibility to determine how to control our borders,” one experienced social worker said. “The fact is that millions of immigrants have gotten into our country without legal status and have brought little children with them. They may not be U.S. citizens and are not entitled to citizen’s benefits, but they are human beings and are entitled to humane treatment and that is where social work comes in. Social workers have sworn to protect and support the vulnerable and at the same time uphold and defend the laws of the United States.  It’s easy to see how well-meaning social workers might struggle with the moral and ethical dilemma presented by illegal immigrants.”

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Topics: what social workers do, immigration, social issues

Leave It to Social Workers

Posted by GVT Admin on Sep 21, 2022 11:45:00 AM

Immigration is again a polarizing political debate with forgotten human beings caught in the middle. It doesn't matter which side of the debate you're on, the fact remains there are approximately 2 million undocumented immigrants younger than 24 existing in limbo in the United States. This largely innocent population is made more vulnerable by a divisive debate that intensifies the risk of deportation and reduces access to resources and support. Social workers consider it their principled responsibility to support the vulnerable at all levels in society, so parties on either side of the so-called “open borders” debate leave it to social workers to do what they can to help the people caught in the middle.

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Topics: what social workers do, immigration

World Refugee Status Our Annual Report

Posted by GVT Admin on Jul 27, 2022 10:45:00 AM

Client agencies that labor largely out of public view on behalf of the world's refugees annually share stats with this blog that astound us every year. Americans live in a civilization ordered by the rule of law. Unless we take the time to look outside our society, we rarely notice the civil disorder that plaques millions of our fellow humans.

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Topics: immigration, social issues

Cultivating Connections as a Recent Immigrant

Posted by Kim Hickman on Aug 13, 2021 10:45:00 AM

Today's blog is written by guest blogger, Michael Longsdon from ElderFreedom.  We truly appreciate him for sharing these helpful insights. 

Any major move can be hectic, stressful, and lonely at times, but a move to another country and culture often takes those feelings to the next level. If you've recently moved to the United States and are experiencing disconnectedness and isolation now that the initial excitement has worn off, Psychology Today says don't despair. You can create new lasting relationships here while maintaining the ones you've made in your home country.

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Topics: immigration

Solving the Difficulties of Refugee Databases

Posted by Dave Becker on Oct 22, 2019 8:18:00 AM

Refugees create unique issues for human services organizations, especially when it comes to creating and maintaining an accurate database to manage the care they need. One of the main things you find with onboarding the refugees into your database is the difficult nature of getting accurate data. It is hard to track that information and store that information and then to get your database to talk to other databases that data.

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Topics: nonprofit software solutions, human services, human services software, immigration, FAMCare Team Blog's

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