The horrible random shootings in a Charleston church and a Lafayette movie theater have reignited the debate over gun control and mental illness.
The horrible random shootings in a Charleston church and a Lafayette movie theater have reignited the debate over gun control and mental illness.
Topics: Social Services Industry News
Topics: Global Vision Technologies, Press Releases
At Global Vision Technologies we work every day with dedicated case workers who inspire us to look beyond fame and fortune to a deeper commitment. Tina Cawley, the AdoptUS Kids caseworker for the month of May, is one of those caseworkers.
Topics: Social Services Industry News, Child Welfare, Foster Care, Adoption
Topics: Global Vision Technologies, Press Releases
How can it be that most Americans have never heard of the 3rd largest charity in the United States? Everyone has heard of the largest charity, The United Way. Number 2, The Salvation Army, has been in the public eye for more than 150 years and number 5, The American National Red Cross, is well known to little school children. However, no one who we asked to guess what non-profit was number 3, got it right.
Topics: Social Services Industry News
The purpose of this weekly blog is to stimulate thought and discussion about the topics that affect the entire social services sector. Even though our blog appears here on the FAMCare site, it is not our intention to inform you about our products in this space. However, every now and then, FAMCare does provide the perfect solution to a problem the social services sector is faced with.
Topics: Global Vision Technologies, Social Services Industry News, FAMCare Tips and Tools
Bias is defined as a strong indication of the mind or a preconceived opinion about something or someone.
Topics: Social Services Industry News
Topics: Social Services Industry News, Government, Veterans Issues
Global Vision Technologies helps human services agencies take control of their information and make good decisions running their agencies and protecting those they serve. We bridge the gap between human and services.