We look at case management systems, functionality, services and programs ever day at Global Vision Technologies.
Does Your Case Management Software Look Like This?
Topics: Technology Speak, FAMCare
I often start my day by opening up a browser and checking the weather. A couple months ago when the weather site loaded, it looked completely different! It took me a few minutes to learn the navigation of the site and all was well. But why did they change the site? It appears there was no new or different information--it was simply a cosmetic upgrade with different navigation. I felt a few minutes of my life had been wasted for no reason.
Topics: Global Vision Technologies, FAMCare Tips and Tools, FAMCare
At Global Vision Technologies we are inspired every day by the dedication and commitment of the social workers we are privileged to work with. It is no secret that, for the most part, social workers are overworked, underpaid, and constantly immersed in human suffering. Why do they do it? What motivates them to work such long hours under constant scrutiny facing opposition from supervisors, regulators, and the clients themselves? In their own words, here’s what social workers told us about why they do what they do.
Topics: Social Services Industry News, Insider, FAMCare
What You Probably Don’t Know About Case Managers?
So often people ask me how I became a Child Protective Services Case Manager and inevitably the next question is why? If I’m being totally honest I kind of just fell into it and I had no idea what I was getting myself into.
Topics: Social Services Industry News, FAMCare
How a Software Implementation is Like a Trip to Mexico
So here you are. You're ready to embark on a new software implementation and you're looking at the steps to take to make the best and smartest use of your time.
Topics: Implementation Plans, FAMCare
Why FAMCare?
I've been at this now for over 15 years. Believe it or not - often times, I still wake up in the morning thinking about the innovative ways we help and can be helping our clients.
Today, more than ever it does seem like there are more companies popping up that offer software for caseworkers. So, what it is that makes FAMCare different. What is unique about our software?
Is it a fair statement to say that all that matters IS the software? Is the product all that really matters when making a buying decision or investing in a software solution like FAMCare?
Topics: FAMCare
As a software vendor in the Health and Human Services arena it’s inspiring to be partnered with agencies that work tirelessly to help others.
Topics: Child Welfare, Foster Care, FAMCare
Should your agency move to case management software? Yes, and here's why
We've heard a lot about technology and how it's changing our lives. Every day a new invention that can "make our lives better" seems to come out — who would have thought we were going to be living like the Jetsons?
How has the smart phone improved your productivity? Who would have thought that in 2016 most of us would be carrying around a very, very powerful computer in our pockets that in an instant can give us any piece of information we're looking for - on demand?
Topics: Social Services Industry News, FAMCare Tips and Tools, FAMCare
SARCOA Selects FAMCare Case Management Software to Help Deliver Services and Track Outcomes
July 11, 2016 St. Louis, MO – SARCOA, (Southern Alabama Regional Council on Aging), an Area Agency on Aging serving the seniors of Barbour, Coffee, Covington, Dale, Geneva, Henry and Houston counties of southeast Alabama has partnered with Global Vision Technologies, Inc. (GVT) to implement FAMCare human services software.
Topics: Elderly/Aging Long Term Care, FAMCare
Since rolling out the Pathways module a few years ago – the tool has proven to help agencies take on some of their own form, reporting and workflow development. During that time, I have been intimately involved in training hundreds of users on Pathways and discussions with focus groups on how to improve the software. We've had a lot of very positive feedback on Pathways. Great stories of triumph have been shared by those who have used the tool to basically build their entire set of specific case management data collection forms and workflow.
Topics: FAMCare Tips and Tools, FAMCare, FAMCare Team Blog's