As you watch the Olympics in Rio this week take notice of a small group of athletes who are competing without a country. They are the Olympic Refugee Team. “These refugees have no home, no team, no flag, no national anthem,” International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach said when he announced the selected athletes last month.
Wake Up! The World Doesn't Work That Way Anymore
All organizations, whether they are for profit or nonprofit, have traditionally evolved from the creative energy of their founders organizing stakeholders behind a common purpose. The founders function as the decision makers because we believe that they know better how to achieve the common purpose over time. As an organization matures, the founders invite other stakeholders to become decision makers, and the rest of the organization follows their collective leadership. This human organizing principle is so much the norm that we consider it natural. It has always happened this way and it still does. Until it doesn’t anymore!
Topics: Insider
I had the privilege of making a trip to Italy a couple of years ago and the ancient feel of buildings and other structures was very much in full display. One would think it would be there only for historic exposure and aesthetic purposes but a tour of the Coliseum revealed something very different.
Topics: Insider
Having spent years working with troubled youth, I have learned one tool that is both the most useful and the most difficult thing to learn when helping kids: “Shut up and Listen”. Bill Engvall has a stand-up comedy act where his catch phase is “I should have just shut up”.
These days, we all live in a high or higher stress environment, work, home, kids and life all add to your stress levels According to 80% of social workers believes stress is a major factor at work.
Topics: FAMCare Tips and Tools
An Interview with Caroline Diehl
In May, the Kenyan government decided to close the world’s largest refugee camp. Kenyan military intelligence reported that the terrorist group, Al-Shabaab, had used the camp to launch attacks against the Westgate Mall and Garissa University College. The Kakuma and Dadaab refugee camp complex, home to over 340,000 refugees, covers over 50 kilometers and is the third largest “city” in Kenya, after Nairobi and Mombasa.
Topics: Social Services Industry News
The healthcare model in Western medicine centers around accurate diagnosis and effective cure. Over the last hundred years, innovations in pharmaceuticals, surgical techniques, and medical technology have positioned modern medicine at the forefront of Western scientific discovery. However, this legacy model of diagnosis and cure separates Western medical practitioners from the thousand-year-old traditions of their Eastern colleagues.
Why FAMCare?
I've been at this now for over 15 years. Believe it or not - often times, I still wake up in the morning thinking about the innovative ways we help and can be helping our clients.
Today, more than ever it does seem like there are more companies popping up that offer software for caseworkers. So, what it is that makes FAMCare different. What is unique about our software?
Is it a fair statement to say that all that matters IS the software? Is the product all that really matters when making a buying decision or investing in a software solution like FAMCare?
Topics: FAMCare
As a software vendor in the Health and Human Services arena it’s inspiring to be partnered with agencies that work tirelessly to help others.
Topics: Child Welfare, Foster Care, FAMCare
Should your agency move to case management software? Yes, and here's why
We've heard a lot about technology and how it's changing our lives. Every day a new invention that can "make our lives better" seems to come out — who would have thought we were going to be living like the Jetsons?
How has the smart phone improved your productivity? Who would have thought that in 2016 most of us would be carrying around a very, very powerful computer in our pockets that in an instant can give us any piece of information we're looking for - on demand?
Topics: Social Services Industry News, FAMCare Tips and Tools, FAMCare