Supporting Survivors: Case Management Software for Victim Services Agencies

Posted by GVT Admin on May 23, 2024 11:30:00 AM

Victim services agencies play a crucial role in supporting survivors of crime, violence, and abuse. These organizations are dedicated to helping individuals rebuild their lives and navigate the complex challenges that arise in the aftermath of traumatic experiences. In recent years, the integration of case management software has revolutionized the way victim services agencies operate, enhancing their ability to provide comprehensive, efficient, and victim-centered support.

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Topics: Victim Services

God Helps Those Who Help Themselves

Posted by GVT Admin on May 22, 2024 12:06:15 PM

Ask anyone in child welfare about foster youth aging out of the foster care system and you’re sure to hear about everything from high rates of incarceration, early parenting, homelessness, unemployment and mental health issues. You will also be told about the very high rates of homelessness among former foster youth ages 18-25.

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Topics: Child Welfare, Foster Care

Getting Granular

Posted by GVT Admin on May 14, 2024 11:43:01 AM

Twice a year, this blog updates its look at the elder care crisis looming over our country and many other industrialized western economies. Let's take a little closer look at the challenges we are all facing.

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Topics: Elderly/Aging Long Term Care

Case Management Software Success Stories: Juvenile Justice

Posted by GVT Admin on May 10, 2024 11:59:00 AM

Juvenile justice reform is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by the integration of advanced technologies. Case management software has emerged as a revolutionary tool, reshaping how juvenile justice systems operate.

This article explores how the implementation of case management software is bringing about significant improvements in individualized care, data-driven decision-making, and the overall effectiveness of juvenile justice reform.

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Topics: Juvenile Justice, Government

Local Governance Elevated: Harnessing Local Government Software Solutions

Posted by GVT Admin on May 9, 2024 12:36:00 PM

In local governance, the effective management of resources, streamlined processes, and enhanced citizen engagement are paramount for delivering efficient public services and fostering community development. Local government software solutions have revolutionized how municipalities, counties, and other local authorities operate, enabling them to leverage technology for improved governance, transparency, and responsiveness. This blog post will delve into the significance, benefits, key features, and implementation considerations of local government software solutions, showcasing how they elevate local governance to new heights.

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Topics: Government

A Clean Slate

Posted by GVT Admin on May 7, 2024 10:00:59 AM

It has become a cliché in film and TV that ex-cons (as they're known) struggle to make a fresh start because they have a "record". Every school kid in America knows that he/she doesn't want to have a "record". They'll never get a good job, never work for the government and, in many places, never be allowed to vote. A standard question on most job applications inquires whether you've ever been arrested. In other words, after a convicted felon has paid his/her "debt to society", he/she must continue to pay the debt forever. Research tells us that this "criminal record" relentlessly following those long after they have served their sentence is the primary cause of recidivism in U.S. Finding no other way to care for themselves in the "outside" world, they return to crime for survival.

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Topics: Adult Re-Entry, social issues

Nurturing Impact: Nonprofit Case Management Tools for Effective Service

Posted by GVT Admin on May 2, 2024 12:41:46 PM

In nonprofit corporations, making a high-quality effect on the community is the final aim. However, accomplishing this aim calls for efficient management of assets, effective provider shipping, and considerate engagement with beneficiaries. Nonprofit case management equipment has emerged as a beneficial asset in this enterprise, empowering agencies to streamline operations, music purchaser progress, and measure outcomes. In this blog, we will delve into the world of nonprofit case-control equipment, exploring its significance, functionalities, and effect on carrier shipping.

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Topics: case management software

Care Team Approach to Alzheimer's

Posted by GVT Admin on Apr 30, 2024 10:16:11 AM

Case workers who specialize in elder care are beset with the challenges of caring for a growing number of Alzheimer's and dementia patients. The CDC estimates that the number of people living with Alzheimer’s will nearly triple by 2060 to more than 14 million.

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Topics: Elderly/Aging Long Term Care, mental health

Choosing with Purpose: A Guide to Selecting Nonprofit Software

Posted by GVT Admin on Apr 25, 2024 2:02:34 PM

In nonprofit organizations, leveraging technology effectively is crucial for achieving mission objectives, optimizing operations, and maximizing impact. Nonprofit software solutions offer a range of tools and functionalities tailored to the unique needs of charitable and social impact organizations. However, selecting the right nonprofit software requires careful consideration of factors such as organizational goals, budget constraints, user requirements, scalability, and data security. This comprehensive guide will explore key considerations, essential features, popular solutions, and best practices for choosing nonprofit software that aligns with your organization's mission and objectives.

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Topics: nonprofit software solutions

How Social Workers See It

Posted by GVT Admin on Apr 24, 2024 10:45:00 AM

Immigrant and refugee rights have long been an issue of critical importance for social workers in the United States. Over 100 years ago, Jane Addams and Edith Abbott established social work as a noble profession while working in settlement houses that served as centers of residence and social services for migrants who had recently arrived in large numbers to work in America. Charitable organizations and religious and ethnic associations have long worked to facilitate the wellbeing and integration of migrants and displaced persons.

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Topics: what social workers do, immigration

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