In 1995 Daniel Goleman, a New York Times writer, published Emotional Intelligence - Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, and the entire business world, including non-profit, was introduced to the concept of emotional intelligence.
Topics: Social Services Industry News, FAMCare Tips and Tools
In B.C. 1750 King Hammurabi issued his code of justice, which included a requirement that the people help one another during times of hardship. That proclamation established Social Work as the world's oldest profession.
Topics: Social Services Industry News
Most child protective services (CPS) supervisors are promoted from within the agency. This is natural and proper professional development, but it often leads to a unique set of challenges. Unfortunately, there is little preparation, training, guidance, or support provided to new supervisors, and they quickly begin to feel inadequate, confused, and overwhelmed.
Topics: Government, FAMCare Tips and Tools
Global Vision Technologies (GVT) will be conducting an update to your FAMCare and/or ClinicalPURSUIT system on Tuesday, October 22, 2014 - between the hours of 6pm and 3am EDT. The upgrade will be performed regionally - west coast facilities upgrade after 10pm EDT.
Topics: Software Upgrade Notices
Teen Birth Rate - Creative Solution to a Persistent Problem
In 2013, there were 274, 641 babies born to females ages 15-19. Nearly 81% of these births occurred outside of marriage. Although the teen birth rate has been declining over recent years, the U.S. rate is higher than that of many other developed countries, including Canada and the United Kingdom.
Topics: Social Services Industry News, Foster Care, Adoption, FAMCare Tips and Tools
Violence against social workers has become an inherent risk of the profession and undeniably one that needs to be addressed on a national scope.
Topics: Social Services Industry News, FAMCare Tips and Tools
Follow FAMCare out of the Juvenile Justice Maze
In its well-meaning attempt to protect the rights of both juveniles and the victims of their crimes, the juvenile justice system has evolved into a maze of procedure and paperwork that even the most experienced caseworkers find daunting.
What Single Thing Would Most Improve Your Work Life?
The British Association of Social Workers conducted a nationwide survey asking only the question, "What single thing would most improve your work life?" Here is a sample of the responses from rank and file caseworkers who remained anonymous to avoid recrimination.
Rapid advances in technology have suddenly transformed the very fundamentals of the working world. In the field of social services, procedures that used to take hours or weeks to complete can now be performed in minutes or even seconds by high-powered computers connected to the internet and with software programs like FAMCare.
Topics: Global Vision Technologies, Social Services Industry News, Technology Speak