Topics: Social Services Industry News, Child Welfare, Government
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Coming Up on June 15th
Imagine how vulnerable it must feel to be utterly dependent on others to help you with even the most basic things. “Things aren’t what they used to be,” you think to yourself while waiting for the attendant to assist you in getting out of bed. You’re having trouble remembering your attendant’s name -- Kimberly? Bethany? You reflect on how unpleasant it is to have to rely on someone else to take you to the bathroom.
Topics: Social Services Industry News, Elderly/Aging Long Term Care
How many of your clients do you know? When case managers are asked this question, their answers might surprise you. Some, of course, say they know all of their clients. Some answer that they know most of their clients. Some, on the other hand, believe that they don't truly know any.
Topics: Child Welfare, Foster Care, Juvenile Justice, FAMCare Tips and Tools
Real Obstacles to Mental Health and Substance Abuse Care
A recent article in the Los Angeles Times discussed some of the barriers that may confront people seeking mental health and substance abuse treatment.
Topics: Social Services Industry News, Special Reports, FAMCare Tips and Tools
Your inbox greets you with over 100 emails every morning. Your laptop is flooded with intake and assessment forms that swamp your work schedule and put you behind before your day begins. Clients, case workers, and supervisors have already sent texts with concerns that require your immediate attention. Good morning. Welcome to your anxiety.
Topics: FAMCare Tips and Tools
New Report Discusses How Nonprofit Boards Can Function Better
According to a recently released report, boards of directors function in a way that is similar to psychologist Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
Topics: Special Reports, FAMCare Tips and Tools
Global Vision Technologies Awarded 5 Year GSA Contract
Topics: Global Vision Technologies, Government, Press Releases
Data Privacy Checklist for Healthcare & Human Services Providers
What Is Data Privacy?
Patients have legitimate reasons for wanting child welfare, medical and other health related information to be kept private. This information might affect their insurance coverage, employment situation, or may be considered embarrassing in their personal life.
Topics: Special Reports, FAMCare Tips and Tools, Technology Speak
Using Electronic Health Records to Improve Patient Privacy
Topics: Government, FAMCare Tips and Tools, Technology Speak
Nonprofit Software BuyerView SlideShare Research Report
Hello! I came across a great tool today that I would like to share. I thought you’d be interested in a well-researched report from a company called Software Advice.
Topics: Special Reports, FAMCare Tips and Tools, Technology Speak