I was watching TV the other night and came across a report on the news about our country’s homeless situation. In the report – it was mentioned that there is a devastating trend in our American cities to criminalize the homeless. I’ve since done some research into this area, inquired about this issue further with a few clients and here’s what I’ve found…
Topics: Social Services Industry News, Government
My daughter recently competed in an oratorical competition titled “How my best brings out the best in others”. As I watched her list out traits she thought influenced others to be their best and listen to her practice her speech, I thought “What is my best”? Am I doing my best to bring out the best, the “talent”, in my family, my friends, even my co-workers? How do my actions influence those I work with?
Topics: Special Reports, FAMCare Tips and Tools
No one wants their project to fail or go over budget however, this is a common occurrence due, in part, to poor planning at the onset of the project planning process. Identifying the Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How are the first steps to creating a successful Project Team and Project Plan. Taking the time to ensure that you pick the right team, ensure that your team has the appropriate knowledge, providing a clear communication process and timelines will certainly put your project on the right path.
Topics: Social Services Industry News, Special Reports, FAMCare Tips and Tools, Technology Speak
In 2013 this blog reported on the meltdown in service at the Veteran’s Administration (VA). Similar signs of meltdown are beginning to gather in Child Protective Services. IN general – our team has been communicating what our clients have been telling us for years and why they moved to FAMCare. We’ve talked about problems in child welfare and CPS in the states of Florida, Georgia, California and Texas. Case Worker colleagues report crushing workloads, fear-based management, impossible expectations, and stress levels that are sending case workers out on medical leave at an alarming rate.
Topics: Social Services Industry News, Child Welfare, Foster Care, Government, Adoption
As many of you know, if you’ve been following my other posts, I have a passion for customers we serve because of my experience growing up as the son of house parents. They can’t call them that any more, and no one actually lives in the same residence as the clients. Times have really changed.
Topics: Global Vision Technologies, Social Services Industry News, Foster Care, Adoption
ADVOCACY - Improving Access to Mental Health Act of 2015
Improving Access to Mental Health Act of 2015 (S.2173/H.R. 3712)
As you may have noticed, I have diligently avoided politics in this blog. Every now and then, however, a social or professional issue wanders into the arena of politics, and I cannot completely ignore the issue.
Topics: Social Services Industry News, Government, Elderly/Aging Long Term Care
Why Reinvent The Wheel If There’s A Wheel That Will Already Work?
The software industry is still a relatively “young” industry- think car manufacturing, steel manufacturing etc. begun more than a hundred years ago versus software starting in the 50’s but only becoming widespread in the late 80’s/early 90's. There is also the creative side of software design that enters the picture. Because of this there are many temptations to have a homegrown system built just for your organization.
Topics: Social Services Industry News, Special Reports, FAMCare Tips and Tools, Technology Speak
What would a PC be without Windows? Back in the day I purchased a high powered laptop from an Internet dealer that was shipped without Windows preloaded. I removed the gleaming new machine from the box and immediately had one of those moments when you thought you knew where you were going, but suddenly realized you were lost. Here was the latest computer with the most robust memory and the fastest processor on the market, and I had no idea how to use it. I didn’t even know how to turn it on, let alone put it to work.
Topics: Social Services Industry News, Fundraising Ideas, Technology Speak
So, you’re planning a fundraiser for your nonprofit.
The cause? Check. The enthusiasm? Check. The planning……….
The key to a successful nonprofit fundraiser: proper planning. If you're not familiar with planning events, you might need some help deciding where or how to start. I would say no matter how big or small the event you should start planning AT LEAST 6 months, if not a year out from the event.
Topics: Social Services Industry News, Fundraising Ideas, FAMCare Tips and Tools