So here you are – after spending months (or weeks, or maybe just a few hours) evaluating your options, you have come to the conclusion that your agency cannot possibly get to the next stage in its growth without addressing the need to acquire a web-based database to facilitate your daily operations. You have a valuable service to offer to your target demographic, proven methods, and a kickass team (can I say kickass?) – but when it comes time to answer the critical questions your stakeholders and funders are asking - you are at a loss as to how best to compile the data necessary to support your ongoing work. And even more important - how do you know how to build your project budget?
Balancing Needs - Project Budget vs. a Successful Project
11 Tips for a Successful Software Implementation
When you're ready to embark on your next software implementation - here are 11 tips from the trenches that will help you build a framework to help you keep your project on track.
Topics: FAMCare Tips and Tools, Implementation Plans, FAMCare Team Blog's
I am always edified and amazed when I discover another life-saving effort by the nonprofit community that FAMCare seeks to serve. I recently came upon a report on the creation of community grocery stores in Nonprofit Quarterly that I wanted to share with you all.
Topics: Homeless & Food Pantry
When smart phones first came out, it was predicted that everyone would eventually have one and that we couldn’t live without them. That prediction has come true.
Having been in technical sales almost my entire 30-year career, I was used to selling to a variety of industries. Whether it was helping banks make more money using technology or helping the Department of Defense build fighter jets and other weapons equipment, I was always in it for the money and career reputation.
Topics: Social Services Industry News, Child Welfare, Foster Care, Elderly/Aging Long Term Care
“Don’t tell people what you do…tell them why you do it”
(Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action, TED Talks)
Mission-driven companies are forces to be reckoned with. Usually born out of a strong founder-led culture, mission-driven companies consistently outperform the competition. True passion for a mission is not something leaders can fake.
Topics: Social Services Industry News, Fundraising Ideas, FAMCare Tips and Tools
How to Pick the Right Person to OWN Your Next Software Project
Often times because someone uses the word “software” to title a project it is easily assumed the IT department will be managing this effort. If that person from IT does not understand the agency from front to back and has plenty of subject matter expertise, it’s a mistake to make them the project manager.
Topics: Social Services Industry News, FAMCare Tips and Tools, Technology Speak
About a year ago, we started the process of implementing a management system named the Entrepreneurial Operating System/EOS. We decided we needed to make changes after we grew our company to a point and realized it had become such a challenge to manage the workloads and the personalities.
Rural Nonprofit Hospitals: How the ACA is Putting Them in Danger
Topics: Social Services Industry News, Government
CASPA Chooses FAMCare Case Management Software to Help At-Risk Kids and Families
PRESS RELEASE: March 21, 2016
St. Louis, MO – CASPA (Child and Adolescent Specialist Programs and Accommodation), an Australian agency that supports and rebuilds the lives of children in foster care, and at-risk children and their families, has partnered with Global Vision Technologies, Inc. (GVT) to implement FAMCare human services software for their foster care and case management needs. The goal of FAMCare will be to help with structured information collection and analysis as they work with children and adolescents with complex needs and problems.
Topics: Global Vision Technologies, Social Services Industry News, Press Releases