Do You Focus Effectively?

Posted by Scott Wold on May 13, 2016 9:00:00 AM


Everything worth doing is worth doing well…  Those who focus effectively can achieve more. In the words of Bruce Lee, “The successful warrior is the average person with laser-like focus.”

So... How Focused Are You?  Can You Turn on Your Focus-Power
at Will?

Ensuring you focus effectively, you need to make sure that you focus on the right things.  Knowing where you are going will help you focus.  Start with your goals.  What is it that you really want to do or accomplish?

  • Personal goals?
  • Professional goals?
  • Serving others?
  • Losing weight?

How Does One Learn How to Focus?

If you are not sure…you need to start somewhere. 

  1. Take out a brand new legal pad. 
  2. Let your mind wander, list anything and everything that you want for yourself.
  3. Brainstorm and write out all your important goals or wishes.
  4. Every day, start a new list on a new page.  There are no wrong answers.
  5. At the end of a week, read through each page, you will start seeing trends.  This is your starting point.
  6. Prioritize your list.  Limit your goals to a manageable number, between 3 and 5 real goals. 
  7. Break down the goals into manageable tasks or steps with dates associated. 
  8. Make sure they are written down, post them in a prominent place, where you will see them each and every day.  I put them on my bathroom mirror, written with Dry Erase Markers and I include pictures.  If your plan is not written down, it is only a wish.

Keep your eye on the ball…the Goal. One of the main obstacles to achieving and maintaining focus is limiting stress, simplify your life, focus on the positive, be grateful for who you are and what you have. Avoid people and things that irritate you. Stress can derail your plans.  Staying positive and committed will improve your focus and allow you to achieve your goals.

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