Rural Nonprofit Hospitals:  How the ACA is Putting Them in Danger

Posted by George Ritacco on Mar 22, 2016 4:25:17 PM
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Topics: Social Services Industry News, Government

CASPA Chooses FAMCare Case Management Software to Help At-Risk Kids and Families

Posted by George Ritacco on Mar 22, 2016 9:55:12 AM

PRESS RELEASE: March 21, 2016

St. Louis, MO – CASPA (Child and Adolescent Specialist Programs and Accommodation), an Australian agency that supports and rebuilds the lives of children in foster care, and at-risk children and their families, has partnered with Global Vision Technologies, Inc. (GVT) to implement FAMCare human services software for their foster care and case management needs. The goal of FAMCare will be to help with structured information collection and analysis as they work with children and adolescents with complex needs and problems.

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Topics: Global Vision Technologies, Social Services Industry News, Press Releases

It's Social Worker Month!

Posted by George Ritacco on Mar 18, 2016 12:10:23 PM

Social Work Month 2016 - Forging Solutions Out of Challenges

Our nation’s more than 600,000 social workers are amazing people.  They take on some of the most challenging issues facing children, families, individuals, communities and society and forge solutions that help people realize better outcomes in their lives, reach their full potential and make our nation a better place to live.

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Topics: Social Services Industry News

Hospice at the VA

Posted by George Ritacco on Mar 15, 2016 1:36:40 PM

In today's rapid news cycle, we tend to hop from sensational story to sensational story rarely lingering long enough to get the full picture. In the past, this blog reported on the scandalous wait times that our veterans have endured in the VA system. It was so bad that some veterans died before getting in to see their VA Doctor. When the scandal came to light, many administrative heads rolled and the entire VA system was cast in a poor light. As is so often the case, however, there is so much more to the VA story.

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Topics: Social Services Industry News, Government, Elderly/Aging Long Term Care, Veterans Issues

Why Volunteer?

Posted by Roe Grover on Mar 10, 2016 4:19:54 PM
I once heard a bout recruitment night for Girl Scouts at a local scho ol.  At the close of the evening, t he list ended with about 2 0 little kindergarten girls ready to experience Daisy Girl Scouting.  However, not one parent signed up to be a leader.  One grandmother said she was willing to lead, but she could not be a leader alone, she needed help. Out of all 20 girls, not one parent would agree to co-lead.  Among their many excuses, “This is my time away from my daughter" was one that stuck out.     
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Topics: Social Services Industry News, Child Welfare, FAMCare Tips and Tools

One Bite at a Time

Posted by George Ritacco on Mar 8, 2016 1:20:45 PM
How do you eat an elephant?
…the old quip goes.
One bite at a time
…pipes the punchline.

In the world of nonprofit, the mission statement is the elephant that can't be digested in one bite. A great mission statement sums up the work and purpose of a nonprofit. It communicates to donors and employees alike what the nonprofit agency is all about.

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Topics: Social Services Industry News, Fundraising Ideas, FAMCare Tips and Tools

Leadership Isn't Micromanagement

Posted by Scott Wold on Mar 3, 2016 2:24:44 PM

In the nonprofit world, it’s all about the mission, not the money.  While money drives outcomes, it isn’t the reason for what or why they do the work. When you can align the work to the mission, magical things happen.

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Topics: Social Services Industry News, FAMCare Tips and Tools

Homelessness - A Tragedy, Not a Crime

Posted by George Ritacco on Mar 1, 2016 3:38:29 PM

I was watching TV the other night and came across a report on the news about our country’s homeless situation.  In the report – it was mentioned that there is a devastating trend in our American cities to criminalize the homeless.  I’ve since done some research into this area, inquired about this issue further with a few clients and here’s what I’ve found…

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Topics: Social Services Industry News, Government

What Makes Good Projects Go Bad?

Posted by Jasmine Brooks on Feb 24, 2016 1:10:16 PM

No one wants their project to fail or go over budget however, this is a common occurrence due, in part, to poor planning at the onset of the project planning process.  Identifying the Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How are the first steps to creating a successful Project Team and Project Plan. Taking the time to ensure that you pick the right team, ensure that your team has the appropriate knowledge, providing a clear communication process and timelines will certainly put your project on the right path.

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Topics: Social Services Industry News, Special Reports, FAMCare Tips and Tools, Technology Speak

Child Abuse - Is There No End?

Posted by George Ritacco on Feb 23, 2016 3:20:36 PM



In 2013 this blog reported on the meltdown in service at the Veteran’s Administration (VA). Similar signs of meltdown are beginning to gather in Child Protective Services. IN general – our team has been communicating what our clients have been telling us for years and why they moved to FAMCare.  We’ve talked about problems in child welfare and CPS in the states of Florida, Georgia, California and Texas.  Case Worker colleagues report crushing workloads, fear-based management, impossible expectations, and stress levels that are sending case workers out on medical leave at an alarming rate.

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Topics: Social Services Industry News, Child Welfare, Foster Care, Government, Adoption

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