Leadership Isn't Micromanagement

Posted by Scott Wold on Mar 3, 2016 2:24:44 PM


In the nonprofit world, it’s all about the mission, not the money.  While money drives outcomes, it isn’t the reason for what or why they do the work. When you can align the work to the mission, magical things happen.

Good Leadership

Proper organization, metrics and objectives guide the mission to better outcomes.  Good Management helps influence and inspire the teams.  This can be done with personal interaction, goals, metrics and rewards.  People are inherently good and want to do their best. Leadership brings that out.

The Power of "Systemizing"

Putting systems in place, over time will provide a consistent, repeatable, proven model for the teams to follow.  The data will show what is working and what isn’t.  Over time the systems can replace poor or ineffective management.  The data doesn’t lie. Once you have the numbers, you can do a better job managing the teams, by setting expectations, goals and rewards. 

Growth will come with better outcomes and your ability to streamline processes.  As a result - revenue will increase over time.  The time savings and additional revenue can be put to good use with a reputable software package.  The increased functionality, workflow, metrics and reports will increase your productivity even more, again increasing your outcomes.

Managing by Objective

The system will track the activities, chart and graph the data and provide a dashboard of productivity, making proper management significant easier. Essentially, management by objective.  Management is the structure designed to make the teams better, personally and professionally. 

Any process can become a system… Start today.  What gets measured gets done.

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