The now familiar slogan that I have chosen as the title of this blog is not meant to be a political statement or an endorsement of any kind. Rather, I was musing over why Bernie Sanders, a 74- year-old self-described socialist, appeals overwhelmingly to Millennials. I wanted to understand how these “Feel the Bern” Millennials differ from Baby Boomers and how the differences are impacting the social consciousness of America.
Topics: Fundraising Ideas, FAMCare Tips and Tools
What does FAMCare KPI measurement look like? Does FAMCare measure performance? YES. With FAMCare agencies can not only measure the performance of a caseworker, but also the performance of the agency as a whole. In addition - and most important, FAMCare can measure the outcomes for your clients. What other KPI's exist that can be measured? Before we answer that - let's define what a KPI is.
Topics: FAMCare Tips and Tools
Building a Case Management System? Make Sure You Have the Right Tools
If you are going to ask your staff to build a Case Management System, you need to give them the Hammer, Nails, and Wood to build It!!!
A Few Questions to Ponder...
Topics: Implementation Plans, case management software, FAMCare Team Blog's
At Global Vision Technologies caseworker paperwork is our business. We constantly study caseworker paperwork to discover more efficient and effective ways caseworkers can handle the progressively more complex and critical paperwork requirements of their profession.
DHHS, Nebraska Families Collaborative Agree on Contract for Case Management
April 26, 2016
Russ Reno, Communications and Legislative Services, (office) 402-471-8287 or (cell) 402-450-7318, or
Lincoln – An agreement on a contract to continue to provide child welfare case management in Douglas and Sarpy counties has been reached by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and Nebraska Families Collaborative (NFC).
Topics: Global Vision Technologies, Child Welfare, Foster Care
Everything worth doing is worth doing well… Those who focus effectively can achieve more. In the words of Bruce Lee, “The successful warrior is the average person with laser-like focus.”
Topics: FAMCare Tips and Tools
Do you love screencasts? I do and am going to tell you why.
If a picture is worth a 1000 words, a screencast must be worth 10 times that.
In the past 20 years, I have spent a large amount of time working through software support issues with customers solving their unsolvable problems. The communication barrier between technical people and the rest of the world is always amazing. A technician says something, and the customer hears something else. A customer says something, and a technician hears something else.
Topics: FAMCare Tips and Tools, Technology Speak
Nonprofit donors have been traditionally reluctant to fund overhead. They feel better when their funds go to feed the hungry or house the homeless rather than supporting unpopular “administrative expenses” that, if truth be told, they often see as a management ripoff or gross inefficiency. It isn’t like donors don’t realize that the organization that actually executes the nonprofit’s mission has a generic cost that fuels the mission itself. They just feel that it should be almost zero, or, at least, none of their funds should be wasted on the office and salaries.
Topics: Fundraising Ideas
Child Welfare & Family Services Statistical Indicators - An Overview
Child Welfare
Every year we take a look at the national statistics compiled by the Department of Health and Human Services on the state of childcare across the country. These statistics are used to evaluate whether the risk factors affecting the welfare of America’s children are increasing or diminishing.
Topics: Child Welfare, Foster Care, Juvenile Justice
Rail Trails: Connecting with Family, Nature and Health
With spring here, we’re all longing for a good dose of fresh air and some quality time with Mother Nature. One of the best ways to enjoy the outdoors and spend time with your family is by biking or hiking on your local bike trail. And planning an overnight or multi-day bike ride is a great family project that everyone can get excited about.
Topics: Global Vision Technologies