The Military Model
Most industrial corporations are organized on the military model that emerged after World War II. This “top-down”, “pyramid”, “span-of-control” model of authoritarian decision making was thought to be the most efficient, effective, and disciplined form for complex, sprawling organizations. It was all about the rank and file executing the will of the top decision makers and not roaming “off the reservation” with ideas of their own. It was a model of discipline and efficiency designed for execution.
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Nonprofit General,
nonprofit mission
Your nonprofit organization has been growing and helping more people on a regular basis. You have good case workers who care about their clients and making a difference. Have you reached the point where investing in the right case management software could propel your organization to a new level, while making your case workers more effective at their jobs? Here are some tips to see if you’re ready to take that next step.
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Nonprofit General,
case management software,
nonprofit software solutions,
nonprofit management
Our recent blog on the true cost of healthcare ignited a robust response from social workers who specialize in public health. This relatively new but growing social work specialty stresses a socio-epidemiological approach to the prevention and management of the chronic diseases that plague our society.
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human services,
social services,
social workers,
public health,
In previous posts we’ve talked about different ways to make sure your case workers are HIPAA compliant, whether it’s through training, proper computer etiquette or what they do in the office. But even if you do all you can to keep your case workers HIPAA compliant, violations sometimes happen. If someone files a complaint, what do you need to do? Here are some answers.
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HIPAA Compliant,
Dear Client,
Global Vision Technologies (GVT) will be conducting an upgrade to Visions Server - the platform behind the FAMCare and/or ClinicalPURSUIT systems on Tuesday, May 14, 2019 - between the hours of 6pm and 3am EDT.
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Software Upgrade Notices
As a nonprofit case worker or administrator, you have a lot of decisions to make every week. And unlike some other jobs, the decisions you make can have a huge impact, not only on your organization, but on the lives of the people in your care. Having the right nonprofit software solutions can make those decisions easier and gives you the information needed to make the best decisions for everyone involved.
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Nonpropfit Accounting,
nonprofit software solutions,
nonprofit funding,
case load,
nonprofit management
The healthcare debate rages on. Politicians on both sides of the aisle insist that they have the answer to the staggering cost of healthcare in the United States, but no concrete solutions have emerged. One party tends to favor socialized medicine while the opposition, agreeing that healthcare should be available to all citizens, hasn’t figured out how to pay the staggering bill.
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social workers,
public health,
I have seen first hand how having the right human services software can really make a difference in kids’ lives. How kids that are in the system, for whatever reason, can get better treatment, better understanding and a chance to just be kids.
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Child Welfare,
Case Studies,
FAMCare Tips and Tools,
How Clients Use FAMCare,
mental health,
HIPAA Compliant,
human services,
human services software,
FAMCare Team Blog's
About a year ago, President Trump signed the Family First Prevention Service Act into law. Social workers engaged in child and family care praised the legislation as the first “prevention” measure to help keep children safely with their families and avoid the traumatic experience of entering foster care. The act emphasized the importance of children growing up in families and helps ensure children are placed in the least restrictive, most family-like setting appropriate to their special needs when foster care is needed.
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Child Welfare,
Foster Care,
nonprofit funding,
social services
The mission of Catholic charities is to provide service to people in need, to advocate for justice in social structures and to call the entire church and other people of good will to do the same. The mission of good human services software is to provide the people of Catholic charities more time to carry out their mission – and less time doing paperwork. Going paperless with the right human services software allows those working in these charities more of the face-to-face functions necessary to achieve their goals.
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Nonprofit General,
human services software