What's in a Name?
That Which We Call a Rose
By Any Other Name
Would Smell as Sweet
-William Shakespeare
I recently conducted a phone interview with the new director of a Child Protective Services program in a state out west. I was surprised at the turn our conversation took.
Topics: Social Services Industry News, Child Welfare, Foster Care, Juvenile Justice, Government, Adoption
Topics: Social Services Industry News
Topics: Global Vision Technologies, Social Services Industry News, FAMCare Tips and Tools, Technology Speak
Making Your Strategic Plan More Clear
In a 2014 survey of over 2,100 non-profits by The Non-profit Marketing Guide, a majority of non-profits identified a "clear strategy" as their number one challenge. Considering how important the "big picture" is to Non-profit, it surprised me that they identified "clear strategy" as a challenge.
Topics: Social Services Industry News, FAMCare Tips and Tools
Learning How to Manage in the 21st Century
The Managing Director of a large non-profit recently shared this experience with me. When his best employee submitted her resignation he was devastated.
Topics: FAMCare Tips and Tools
What? Let me read this again; Foster Care to Prostitution Pipeline. I thought that's what it said. What is happening in our society? Is there no end to how we will abuse the most vulnerable among us?
Topics: Social Services Industry News, Child Welfare, Foster Care, Government
A Creative Social Worker Solving a Serious Problem
Topics: Social Services Industry News, Child Welfare, Foster Care, Government, Adoption
Topics: Social Services Industry News, Fundraising Ideas, FAMCare Tips and Tools
Global Vision Technologies (GVT) will be conducting a Visions Server update to your FAMCare and/or ClinicalPURSUIT system on Tuesday, February 17, 2015 - between the hours of 6pm and 3am EDT. The upgrade will be performed regionally - west coast facilities upgrade after 10pm EDT. VS Upgrade 24, the latest release to our software - introduces new features to the FAMCare system, bug-related fixes and may include a series of routine platform updates to ClinicalPURSUIT system. A full list of features can be found here.
Topics: Software Upgrade Notices