George Ritacco
Recent Posts
As you go through your year, you work hard, put in the hours, and focus on doing the best job possible, all while serving your customers. But in all you do, day in and day out, do you take the time to acknowledge your customers and the people who support you and your organization — do you let them know how much you appreciate them?
Monday Movies... a day late. A "Thanks-for-Giving" event
Good morning - this post comes to us from our friends at Move Mondays. I have posted the article here in it's entirety.
Topics: Insider, Fundraising Ideas
The world of Social Services is populated with “givers”. No sensible person seeks fame or fortune in social work, so every year at this time we give thanks for our colleagues who became social workers because of an inner impulse to help the less fortunate.
This Thanksgiving we would like to recognize, and especially thank, one very special group of these “givers” - the over 62 MILLION VOLUNTEERS who provide indispensable support for both community based and nonprofit social services across the entire country.
Topics: Social Services Industry News, Insider, Fun Stuff
Check out this short video on how using the third party software tool - Tableau can enhance your data reporting and analysis efforts. It's simple, clean and powerful with many graphing options at your disposal.
Topics: Insider, FAMCare Tips and Tools, Technology Speak
How to Turn the Current Political Climate into Something Positive for Social Work
Like all presidential elections, this one has stirred up a tremendous amount of emotion. The supporters of the winner feel exhausted, and the supporters of the runner-up are disappointed. While people from both camps may rarely see eye-to-eye, professionals in the field of social work must interact with both- and for social workers and others in the helping professions, a strong sense of impartiality is critical.
Topics: Social Services Industry News, Government, Nonprofit General
Financial measurements are sufficient and appropriate in the for-profit corporate world, but strict financial measurements rarely reveal the strategic performance of the typical nonprofit. Financial performance measurement systems in the nonprofit world usually focus only on the measurement of donations, expenditures, and operating expense ratios. Success for nonprofits, however, should be measured by how effectively they meet the needs of their constituencies.
Topics: Social Services Industry News, FAMCare, Nonprofit General
FAMCare Master Certification Class - November 2016 Feedback
Congratulations to our recent graduates of the FAMCare / Visions Server Master Certification training course! Thank you to Patrick Skelly of Randolph County North Carolina Dept of Social Services, Justin Chirco of Promesa Behavioral Health in California and Marc Dietrich of Wolverine Human Services in Michigan for attending the course!
Topics: Insider, FAMCare Tips and Tools, Technology Speak, Implementation Plans, FAMCare
PSTD, Invisible Wounds and the Alarming Veteran Suicide Rate
Every Day - 20 U.S. Veterans Commit Suicide
In 2014, the latest year statistics are available, 7,400 veterans took their own lives.
Topics: Government, Veterans Issues