In January 2015, Global Vision Technologies reported on the impending avalanche overhanging the long-term care industry as the baby boomer generation began to reach retirement age. At that time, we reported that by 2030 sixty-one million baby boomers aged 66 to 84, along with more than nine million of the “oldest of the old” born before 1946, will require some form of long term care services. Congressional Budget Office estimates suggest that total long-term care expenditures will increase at a rate of 2.5% per year compounding to $270 billion in 2030.
George Ritacco
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Visions Server Upgrade Announcement - August 2017
Dear Client,
Global Vision Technologies (GVT) will be conducting an upgrade to Visions Server - the platform behind the FAMCare and/or ClinicalPURSUIT systems on Tuesday, August 15, 2017 - between the hours of 6pm and 3am EDT.
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This weeks Movie Mondays Fundraising video tip is here.
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Ten thousand baby boomers turn 65 every day. As our population ages at this rapid rate, the incidence of dementia and the attendant challenges for family caregivers are becoming daunting. The impact on social work that this astounding statistic suggests also cannot be over-rated. In fact, the rapidly increasing incidence of dementia is opening up an entirely new practice area for social workers.
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This week's Movie Monday's Fundraising Tips are in! Check it out!
You are losing donations.
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Today, social workers increasingly rely on digital tools. Online therapy, advocacy by social media, and earning an MSW degree online are just a few of the additional tech innovations that are evolving in social work. However, the social work profession reflects generational differences in acceptance of technology.
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The Financial Accounting Standards Board is about to issue its first upgrade in nonprofit reporting requirements since 1993.
The FAMCare blog has followed the development of these new reporting guidelines as the information came out of the FASB, and now we can report that they have been finalized. Accounting terminology and reasoning can often be arcane for nonprofit management who prefer to think more in terms of “mission” and “service”, so here is a brief summary that hopefully will make it a little easier to absorb the accounting lingo and logic.
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