Why Social Workers Are Vulnerable to Privacy Breaches and What You Can Do About It

Posted by GVT Admin on Jul 25, 2022 10:45:00 AM

nonprofits and cybersecurity More work is being done online in this digital age, which raises the danger of data theft and privacy violations. When information is accessed or disclosed without authority, privacy violations occur. Given that the majority of NGO's rely on donations and regularly need to analyze and preserve financial records, any NGO may be at danger of data theft or breach. Workers in social services must assess the possibility of data theft and make every effort to prevent it.

Why Are Social Workers Vulnerable to Data Breaches?

Private and Confidential Information

Due to the private information they hold on their clients and the opportunity this data gives for fraud in insurance claims, identity theft schemes, and other crimes, nonprofit databases can be a desirable target for cybercriminals.

Online Services

COVID-19 outbreak has led many organizations to work from home and provide online services. However, unprotected home Wi-Fi networks and open connections allow hackers to access confidential information.

Outdated Software and TechnologyNonprofit and security

Despite the current rise in record-keeping digitalization, smaller charitable organizations frequently lack the funding necessary to upgrade any outdated operational technology or software. Additionally, the majority of social work practices have no access to internal IT support and are typically overworked, making them prime targets.

Operational Hiccups

Social care organizations are increasingly vulnerable as they adapt to online services as a result of recent rapid improvements in technology, communications, and commercial practices. Another factor that may jeopardize a company's security posture is its reliance on employees having access to their own electronics.

Human Error

Social assistance providers have a lot to do. Even the most skilled social workers could inadvertently input inaccurate data, erroneously delete a file, or misplace a record, opening a door for hackers and privacy violations.

What You Can Do About Protecting The Data Breaches

Establish a Cyber-Savvy Staff

Human carelessness and error account for the bulk of privacy violations, which can undermine even the greatest security measures. To lessen this danger, make sure to go over privacy policies with your staff.

Improve Your Security Measures

Put physical and administrative protection in place to prevent unauthorized access. Some of the security measures include:

  • Add additional levels of security, such as multi-factor authentication, firewalls, and antivirus software, to all networks and devices.
  • Encrypt all digital files and regularly backup your data to a safe offline place.
  • Maintain systems with the most recent security patches (including any employee-owned devices) and routinely check for unusual behavior.

What Role Does Case Management Software Play in Your Security?

social worker and data securityWhen non-profits choice to use software designed specifically for human service's case management, they are looking at features such as managing caseloads faster, mobile flexibility, or billing simplification.  

However, when your choosing a social services software make sure you pick a secure, HIPAA-compliant software solution. You want to make sure that your case management software is equipped with the best tools to keep your non-profit data secure.

Global Vision Technologies the developer of FAMCare, a nonprofit case management software, has been helping agencies improve their efficiency and protect their data for over 20 years. To find out our Unique Advantages click here.

Suggested Readings: 

Technology Disrupting the Status Quo

Technology...The Heart of The Matter

3 of The Best Tips and Practices To Keep Nonprofit Data Secure

Methods for Non-Profit Organization to Improve Their Digital Maturity


Topics: Technology Speak, Secure Case Management, cyber security

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