3 Surprising Facts Everyone Should Know About Social Workers

Posted by GVT Admin on Jan 10, 2022 7:00:00 AM

Social workers are gifted and dynamic individuals that are constantly on a mission to make the world and our societies better spaces for everyone. While their work can be very rewarding, it’s also extremely challenging. But one of their finest qualities is that they’re incredibly resilient and are able to handle all kinds of cases involving addictions, abuse, trauma, mental illness, and other significant issues in their clients’ lives.

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Topics: social workers, what social workers do

Child Welfare...An Overwhelming Need

Posted by GVT Admin on Dec 15, 2021 10:45:00 AM

At year end we like to take a look over our shoulder at the vast army of social workers who have supported our country's most vulnerable populations throughout the year. The purpose of this annual overview is to tell social workers nationwide that we appreciate the task their profession has undertaken. Last week we looked at the vast mission of HHS workers across the country. This week we're focusing on child welfare workers. We are astounded here at GVT by the magnitude of the need that social workers in all fields attempt to alleviate and find ourselves rededicated to our mission to help the social work community fulfill its mission.

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Topics: Child Welfare, social workers, what social workers do

Social Work Perspective 2021

Posted by GVT Admin on Dec 8, 2021 10:30:00 AM

Toward the end of every year, we like to step back and take a look at the social work profession through a longer lens. Social workers, like all busy professionals, tend to get buried in the minutiae of their work and lose sight of the bigger picture. We find that it helps our colleagues to maintain perspective by taking an annual long look at the profession as a whole and the important work that social workers are engaged in.

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Topics: social workers, what social workers do

The Power of Prayer

Posted by GVT Admin on Nov 3, 2021 10:45:00 AM

The history of social work is replete with religious organizations that were the early founders of social work and prayed for, with, and over clients as a matter of course. However, as secular and governmental social service agencies assumed a greater share of society’s burden of need issues of religious freedom and separation of church and state began to crop up.

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Topics: Social Services Industry News, Government, social workers, what social workers do

PTSD...Treatment Is At Hand

Posted by GVT Admin on Oct 13, 2021 9:23:05 AM

PTSD is a disorder in which a person has difficulty recovering after experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event. The condition may last months or years, with triggers that can bring back memories of the trauma accompanied by intense emotional and physical reactions.

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Topics: Veterans Issues, mental health, what social workers do

Juvenile Justice...Case Closed

Posted by GVT Admin on Sep 22, 2021 10:47:58 AM

Juvenile Justice caseworkers manage cases for "best case" outcomes and "case closed" status. When they are assigned a client, the case worker monitors and supports that youth from their first offense through juvenile court, detentions and residential or other out-of-home placements. The progress of a youth through the juvenile justice system is often long and arduous from intake, booking, and registration to court action, fines, detention, sentencing, probation, and residential placement. Frequently, these same youthful offenders are "cross-over" cases that have come to the attention of both child protective services and juvenile justice case workers.

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Topics: Juvenile Justice, social workers, what social workers do

Workforce Development

Posted by GVT Admin on Sep 15, 2021 10:45:00 AM

The American Worker

Since the decline of the union movement and the offshoring of most manufacturing jobs to cheaper labor markets, the American worker has had a systemic labor problem. The kinds of jobs that were so plentiful in the economy after World War II are no longer available. Small one-industry towns across the country have seen their factories close and residents move to the smokestack cities.

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Topics: what social workers do, workforce development

Social Workers Guide Students and Parents Through a Morass of Trauma

Posted by GVT Admin on Sep 1, 2021 10:45:00 AM

As social workers in the field of education work to help students return to the classroom during this persistent and deadly pandemic, they are finding students more traumatized and fearful than they realized. The on-again/off-again guidance coming from the adults in the room as to whether masks are required, or vaccinations are indispensable, or social distancing could do it, or if you want to protect yourself and your family just stay home, has raised the anxiety level in students and greatly diminished their trust in their elders.

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Topics: education, what social workers do, Covid-19/Pandemic

Come Get This Child

Posted by GVT Admin on Aug 18, 2021 10:45:00 AM

Foster Care to Adoption

Of the 428,000 children in foster care in the U.S., over 30% cannot be returned to their families and are waiting to be adopted. 135,000 children are adopted each year and there are currently 1.5 million adopted children in the United States. 59% are from the child welfare (or foster) system. Children enter foster care through no fault of their own because they have been abused, neglected or abandoned. These children are in the temporary custody of the state while their birth parents are given the opportunity to complete services that will allow the children to be returned to them if it is in the children’s best interest. Unfortunately, 30% of them never make it.

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Topics: Foster Care, Adoption, social workers, what social workers do, Family and Child Welfare

Person In Crisis

Posted by GVT Admin on Aug 4, 2021 10:45:00 AM

Social workers Dre’ Johnson and Renee Brean are part of a pioneering new approach to policing in Rochester, New York. They belong to the city's “person in crisis” team – a unit of mental health and behavioral professionals who attend police calls where a person may be suffering a mental health episode.

The premise behind the "person in crisis" team is simple: it contends that for all their training and skills, police are not equipped to deal with the complexities that a mental health crisis requires. By sending mental health professionals along to 911 calls that may involve potential psychological breakdowns, officials hope that these situations can be dealt with more sensitively, and more safely.

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Topics: Homeless & Food Pantry, mental health, social workers, what social workers do

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