Make Every Software Dollar Spent Count and Count BIG!

Posted by April Freund on Jan 13, 2016 3:51:50 PM

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As the President of a Case Management Software company I have witnessed very wonderful software implementation projects and many that struggle. 

There are various reasons but in this post I’m going to pinpoint what I think is the most common issue.

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Topics: Social Services Industry News, Special Reports, FAMCare Tips and Tools

Are You on a Star Trek?

Posted by George Ritacco on Jan 12, 2016 4:33:33 PM

An Entirely New Paradigm for Post-Acute Health Care Management

The managers of residential care facilities we work with everyday report that the residential care and post-acute health care industry is changing at an alarming rate. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services has shifted its focus away from simply measuring volume, toward a pay-for-performance system focused on value and quality. The implications of this shift in payment processing and compliance procedures for management in post-acute care, nursing homes, and hospice facilities are vast, complex, and daunting. Managers are scrambling to measure quality outcomes, improve compliance, and emphasize the customer experience throughout their organizations.

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Topics: Social Services Industry News, Government, Elderly/Aging Long Term Care, Technology Speak

3 Reasons Why Agencies Should Invest in Web-based Case Management Solutions

Posted by George Ritacco on Jan 7, 2016 3:20:03 PM

The sharing of information has reached a break-neck pace.  There are no constants in how we collect and share information.  Every day, new ways to manage information are developed, found and employed by agencies.  The more sophisticated ones have embraced the latest technologies to make their agency better.  Yet, many agencies cling to a traditional model of case management, using paper as their foundation for collecting data, observing trends and assessing outcomes. 

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Topics: Social Services Industry News, FAMCare Tips and Tools, Technology Speak

Attention Agencies:  Good Invoice Billing Starts with Intake

Posted by Bill Lowther on Jan 6, 2016 12:25:40 PM

How important is it that you get paid for the services you deliver - promptly?  What does that mean for how you manage cash flow?  How does a promptly paid invoice help your third party service providers?

Digging deeper - how quickly can you get an invoice out after services have been delivered?

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Topics: Social Services Industry News, FAMCare Tips and Tools, Technology Speak, FAMCare Team Blog's

Social Workers to the Rescue

Posted by George Ritacco on Dec 15, 2015 4:26:46 PM

The mysterious disorder once known simply as Autism has recently been diagnosed as a spectrum of mental disorders that run from high to low functioning called, ASD, or Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Realizing that ASD is both incurable and highly varied in intensity, psychiatry has begun to focus on the positive as well as the negative mental functions that patients with ASD display. They realize that Autism is not mental illness in the strictest sense so much as the heightened focus of certain parts of the brain.

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Topics: Social Services Industry News

A Documentation Solution for Social Workers

Posted by George Ritacco on Dec 1, 2015 3:19:00 PM


Learning to write was traditionally left to the Liberal Arts. Practical considerations have minimized liberal arts education at the university level leaving the training in the 3 Rs to elementary and high school teachers. This major shift in our educational philosophy has left social service workers ill prepared to write at the level required by the profession. FAMCare human services software goes a long way to fill this educational gap.

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Topics: Global Vision Technologies, Social Services Industry News, Technology Speak

Case Management Playbook

Posted by George Ritacco on Nov 24, 2015 1:30:00 PM


FAMCare now enables smaller agencies to organize, consolidate, and communicate information just like the best teams in the NFL. Watch your favorite team carefully this Sunday with an eye on how they smoothly execute a play when every position clearly understands their assignment and rapidly communicates their intentions. Every team of case workers, large or small, can execute with the same efficiency as the best in the NFL.

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Topics: Social Services Industry News, FAMCare Tips and Tools, Technology Speak

Inside a Prison

Posted by George Ritacco on Nov 10, 2015 4:45:00 PM

Whorl Inside a Loop portrays one of the most creative and effective approaches developed by social workers. The characters in Whorl Inside a Loop, utilize creative arts therapy as an avenue to self-love, accountability, achievement, and freedom. This is “corrections” at its best.

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Topics: Social Services Industry News, Juvenile Justice, Government

Congratulations Salvation Army!

Posted by George Ritacco on Nov 3, 2015 3:44:00 PM


Every year, 25,000 Christmas time charity bell-ringers remind us that the Salvation Army is still out there doing its work after 150 years. Few people, however, realize the scope of the work that is being done by “men and women whose hearts burst with a passion for the impossible.”

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Topics: Social Services Industry News

Gun Control vs. Mental Health

Posted by George Ritacco on Oct 27, 2015 3:52:00 PM

The social worker friends I talked to agreed that we don’t need any more laws. We need to educate society very quickly on the danger signs of “troubled” adolescent men who have not yet been diagnosed with mental illness. Only parents, not politicians, can solve this modern societal problem. 

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Topics: Social Services Industry News

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