In the world of social work, learning networks are nothing new. Social workers have always exchanged information in a social setting, such as sharing referrals and resources with other social work colleagues. Social workers often photocopy and share articles from trusted journals with colleagues they are collaborating with on a project.
How FAMCare Helps Small Agencies Achieve Big Agency Impact
Through its FAMCare suite of products Global Vision Technologies helps smaller agencies participate at the big agency level by leveraging technology to amplify impact. In an article that appeared in Policy & Practice, the journal of the American Public Human Services Association, Accenture managing directors Debora Morris and Ryan Oakes present a method for amplifying the outcomes of smaller agencies through a combination of new technology and best management practices.
A friend of ours, Quinn Cooley has reached out with a great resource to share with our partners, clients and friends. Quinn works with universities and programs to help share their content and he came across a great infographic from the team at Maryville University that we wanted to share. We think this is a great educational resource for those who are ready to go back to school.
Topics: Nonprofit General, education
Wall street investors have discovered the nonprofit world. Why are the “profit seekers” sniffing around the pressing social problems that have always been the pervue of nonprofits? Wall street calls this new investor initiative Impact Investing and reports that it is thriving. Currently impact investors have $228 billion in assets under management. “Individuals are huge drivers of the rise of impact investing,” says Amit Bouri, CEO of the Global Impact Investing Network. “They increasingly want to be a part of the solution to problems surrounding their communities and the environment. Investors pumped $35.5 billion into 11,000 deals last year, and that number is expected to grow by 8% in 2018.”
5 Difficulties Today's Nonprofit CEOs Face That Were Unheard of 10 Years Ago
The CEOs of nonprofit agencies have always faced challenges that are uniquely theirs. These difficulties continue to change and evolve as both the industry and those who nonprofits aim to help do so as well. Even within the past five or 10 years, these challenges have proven to be unlike any others faced in years past.
Nonprofit's Role
There are 640,000 students currently registered in the Los Angeles Unified School District and 480,000 (75%) of them are Latinos. The LA. School Report reminds us that this past March 1st was the 50th anniversary of the big “blowout” when “thousands of young Latinos marched out of their East Los Angeles classrooms…for their right to be educated.”Topics: Social Services Industry News, Nonprofit General, education
The Web
The modern era of nonprofit marketing began more than 25 years ago when nonprofits realized that without a website they were virtually out of business. Everyone went out immediately and launched a website.
Topics: Global Vision Technologies, Social Services Industry News, Nonprofit General
We very rarely talk about nonprofits across the country who focus on animal welfare. Noticing this oversite, this blog could not let 2017 slip by without taking a look at the ongoing dedication and renewed focus that has been displayed by animal welfare nonprofits throughout the year.
Topics: Nonprofit General
The current administration in Washington is seeking to repeal the so-called Johnson Amendment in the cause of free speech. This is an issue of critical importance to all nonprofit organizations. While adhering to our long-standing position of not taking sides in the political debate, we would like to take this opportunity to call attention to the impending repeal of the Johnson Amendment.
Topics: Nonprofit General