About a year ago, President Trump signed the Family First Prevention Service Act into law. Social workers engaged in child and family care praised the legislation as the first “prevention” measure to help keep children safely with their families and avoid the traumatic experience of entering foster care. The act emphasized the importance of children growing up in families and helps ensure children are placed in the least restrictive, most family-like setting appropriate to their special needs when foster care is needed.
Topics: Child Welfare, Foster Care, Government, grants, nonprofit funding, social services
A new resource guide is available that helps to keep our teens and youth safe. If you'd like to grab a copy - you can get it here: https://www.staysafe.org/teens/
Topics: Child Welfare, Juvenile Justice, grants, social services software, human services software
A resource for finding Federal grants to fund youth programs has been shared with our team. You can find information on the http://youth.gov website.
Topics: Child Welfare, Juvenile Justice, grants, social services software, human services software
The Ford Foundation's BUILD Program for Social Justice Nonprofits
The nonprofit world has struggled for years with the distinction donors make between mission dedicated donations (restricted funds) and funds available for overhead and administrative salaries (unrestricted). The dichotomy has grown out of the emerging belief among donors that money spent directly on mission is better spent than money “wasted” on overhead costs and administrative salaries. Studies reveal that donors “feel” better about donations when they are assured that their money has gone directly to mission outcomes.
Topics: Fundraising Ideas, Nonprofit General, nonprofit mission, grants